A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of being the special guest at an incredible event, Stratos Product Development’s annual company open house. The company is mentioned on page 138 of my book Be a Changemaker, because they were one of the original funders of Edward Jiang’s StudentRND venture, which I profiled in chapter 12.
As you can see, this year’s theme was Oktoberfest, and they went all out with decorations, food, beverages, and even a polka band!
It’s too bad I didn’t get a chance to dance, but I was having too much fun talking with Stratos employees and guests.
I was warmly welcomed, and folks seemed pretty excited about Be a Changemaker, too.
At one point, a storm picked up and we had to (quickly!) move everything inside, but that just made it easier to mingle.
And as attendees left for the evening, there were piles and piles of books for them to take home, all of which I signed and, if desired, personalized (yes, my hand was tired!).
What a wonderful evening! I left feeling thoroughly impressed with everyone I had talked to–and with the company itself for bringing them all together.
I’m ever so grateful to Stratos Product Development for including me. They’re the perfect example of a for-profit business that is committed to doing good in the world, and it was such an honor to participate.
Click here to check out all of the great photos from the event, and here to see what this totally awesome company is all about.
Laurie Thompson
Review: THE SCRAPS BOOK by Lois Ehlert
written and illustrated by Lois Ehlert
published by Beach Lane Books/Simon & Schuster, March 2014
72 pages
There have been several picture-book autobiographies of children’s book authors and illustrators over the past few years. Sadly, most have left me feeling just a little underwhelmed. While I personally enjoyed them, I felt like they were aimed more at their long-time adult fans than at contemporary child readers. While I, as an adult, was able to appreciate the rich context and interesting personal histories, I wondered if children would be able to relate to the stories and find directly relevant meaning within the pages. So, although I myself am a fan of Lois Ehlert, I’ll admit I was a bit skeptical when I picked up THE SCRAPS BOOK. Boy was I in for a delightful surprise!
Despite the high page count, there is nothing in this book that feels the least bit self-indulgent. Every page seems lovingly designed to encourage and instruct young artists. (And aren’t we all artists when we’re young? Perhaps with this book, more of us will remain so.) Throughout, Ehlert generously shares her inspirations, her processes, her notes and journals, even her messes and mistakes, giving readers insights into her books as well as her life as an artist.
I think this is truly a book people of all ages can enjoy, and the world is definitely a better place for having THE SCRAPS BOOK in it.
(Disclaimer: Review copy was checked out from my local library.)
Quote: “We are the change that we seek.”

Quoted in BE A CHANGEMAKER, chapter 1, taken from a speech the President gave to his supporters in Chicago on February 5, 2008.
2014 Washington Library Media Association (WLMA) Conference
I had a wonderful time presenting with Mary Cronk Farrell at the 2014 WLMA Conference last Saturday! The title of our talk was “Fostering 21st Century Learning with Today’s Nonfiction,” and we delivered it to a room overflowing with teacher/librarians (aren’t t/l’s the best!?) who were looking for new ideas and book recommendations.

Our presentation discussed how much of the nonfiction being published now is so much more than “just” its subject. There are innovative formats, emotionally-charged stories, cross-discipline explorations, etc. A just-the-facts approach simply won’t be published these days, as kids have easy access to information in a variety of formats AND are faced with so many options competing for their attention. This makes nonfiction a particularly compelling choice for students in and out of the classroom or library setting.

Since several attendees asked for our slides, here is the deck we used in our talk, and, since we ran out of handouts due to the overwhelming attendance, here is the handout that we passed out with the list of books referenced.

YOU Can Be a Changemaker: the video webinar!
My publisher for BE A CHANGEMAKER, Beyond Words, does an awesome weekly series of live video webinars with their authors. Here’s the recording made from my spot on September 10, 2014. Check it out: maybe you’ll discover your passion and figure out how you can be a changemaker!
Tales from my first book launch party
Two of the worst possible things that could happen to a book event in Seattle happened on the day of the Be a Changemaker launch party: one of our major bridges was closed for construction, and the sun was shining! Still, an amazing number of ultra-dedicated friends and intrepid fans braved the traffic nightmare and willingly (or perhaps begrudgingly) sacrificed one of the last sunny Sundays we are likely to have for months. And I am oh-so-grateful to each and every one of them for it!

Many heartfelt thanks to everyone who came and to Secret Garden Book Shop for hosting. I’m generally not much of a party person, and I really dislike being the center of attention. (Those giant posters of my face were a surprise from my hubby… eek!) But every moment of that launch event was a treat, and the experience is something I’ll treasure for the rest of my life.
I’ve been surprised and honored to be included on a plethora of fantastic blogs as part of a blog tour to help launch Be a Changemaker into the world. There are guest posts written by me on a variety of topics related to the book, as well as interviews, reviews, quotes, and, yes–book giveaways! Be sure to check out all of the tour stops, and please give these lovely bloggers some love, won’t you?
Here’s what has already been posted:
Review, author interview, giveaway
Review, guest post, giveaway
Reviews, teaching tools, guest post, giveaway
Review, resources lists
Guest post
Review, giveaway
And here’s what is still to come:
Review, giveaway
Review, giveaway
Author interview, giveaway
Guest post, giveaway
Author interview, giveaway
Guest post, giveaway
This incredible lineup has been assembled and managed by the lovely ladies at Blue Slip Media. Thank you, Sarah and Barbara!
The Emu’s Debuts launch party for Be a Changemaker
One of the most rewarding experiences of being a debut author has been participating on the Emu’s Debuts group blog (for clients of Erin Murphy Literary Agency who are in between deal and publication). Last week, my fabulous friends and fellow Emus threw me THE BEST LAUNCH PARTY EVER to celebrate the upcoming release of BE A CHANGEMAKER! (They went a week early, since Lindsey Lane’s EVIDENCE OF THINGS UNSEEN is releasing at the same time. I’ll be helping them celebrate that launch next week!)
They were all so generous, authentic, and hard-working in bringing the daily posts to life (as they are with everything they do!), and I was thrilled anew every morning to see what they had put together. In case you missed them, please go check out their posts. They’re fun, informative, and inspiring!
Here’s the roundup:
On Monday, Lindsey Lane (with some backup support from Tara Dairman), posted Welcome to the World: BE A CHANGEMAKER by Laurie Ann Thompson!, which included stories of and interviews with five other Erin Murphy Literary Agency authors who are changing the world in their own meaningful ways:
- Chris Barton, who came up with the idea for the BookPeople Modern First Library Program;
- Ann Bedichek Braden, who helped start Gun Sense Vermont;
- e.E. Charlton-Trujillo, creator of Never Counted Out and At-Risk Summer;
- Corinne Duyvis, co-founder of the Disability in Kidlit blog; and
- Lynda Mullaly Hunt, who created Book Train.
Tuesday featured several videos compiled by Megan Morrison, BE A CHANGEMAKER: Words of Wisdom. The clips contain contributions from fellow Emu Debuts bloggers offering their own words of wisdom, sharing quotes that motivate and inspire them, and giving advice they wish they’d gotten at the beginning of their journey. Great stuff, and so personal! It’s a great way to get to know these wonderful people a little better.
For the Wednesday post, BE A CHANGEMAKER: Celebrating with Quotes!, Jennifer Chambliss Bertman compiled and created a collection of gorgeous images featuring quotes that inspire and motivate the members of the Emu’s Debuts blog team. If you want to spice up your Facebook or Pinterest feeds (or your office walls!), there are some fantastic finds here. Plus, they included the explanations behind why the quotes are so meaningful for them, making them even more special.
For Thursday’s post, Penny Parker Klostermann, gave readers a sneak preview of Be a Changemaker with excerpts of the first 25 pages as well as the event planning chapter. Her post, BE A CHANGEMAKER: A Tool for Change, gives a sense of how the book can be used as a tool by individuals, teams, and classrooms.
On Friday, Tamara Ellis Smith closed out the party with Music to Be A Changemaker By, an inspirational and motivating Spotify playlist of songs recommended by the Emu’s Debuts bloggers, along with the explanations of why they included them. Spanning genres and emotions, you’re sure to find something of interest here–I know I did!
I’m so grateful to the awesome authors at Emu’s Debuts! Thanks to them, the Be a Changemaker pre-launch week was better than I ever could have imagined. I’m looking forward to each and of every one of their debuts–coming soon!
Why write Be a Changemaker for teens?
To celebrate the United Nations’ International Youth Day, I wrote a guest blog for the Beyond Words blog explaining why I wrote Be a Changemaker specifically for young readers. Here’s an excerpt:
We know that young people have always been at the forefront of societal change. Adolescence is a time when people begin to question and critique the morals and standards of the society in which they are living. Teens and young adults start to appreciate the complexities of social problems and the tradeoffs that come with various solutions to those problems. In addition, young people are known for creating, adopting, and circulating the culture of their times, be it the peaceniks of the 60s or the hip-hop movement of today.
Modern youth, however, are more empowered than ever to shape the world as they see fit…
To read the whole thing, click here.
Emmanuel on US National Amputee Soccer Team
Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, the subject of my upcoming picture-book biography, EMMANUEL’S DREAM, is an athlete who was born in Ghana, West Africa, with a deformed leg. As a young man, he wanted to change the way disabled people were treated in Ghana, so he rode a bicycle nearly 400 miles all around his country to prove that being disabled doesn’t mean being unable. Since then, he has continued to be an advocate for the rights of people with disabilities and has launched his own foundation, with plans to build a school in Ghana for abled and disabled children alike. He now spends most of his time based in San Diego, CA, traveling the United States as a motivational speaker and raising funds for his charity.
This spring, the United States National Amputee Soccer Team invited Emmanuel to play for them. He just returned to San Diego from a training session in Maryland, and he’ll join the team when they compete in the 10th Amputee World Cup in Mexico in late November.
Good luck, Emmanuel, and to the rest of the players on the US National Amputee Soccer Team!
Read more about Emmanuel and his World Cup Soccer experience here, including some great photos.