Good news for You Are a Raccoon!

You Are a Raccoon cover image
I’m so excit­ed to share that YOU ARE A RACCOON! has won the Mary­land Blue Crab Young Read­ers Award for Begin­ning Nonfiction!

Each year, a com­mit­tee for the Mary­land Library Asso­ci­a­tion (MLA) selects  one win­ning book and up to three hon­or books to receive an award in each of the fol­low­ing cat­e­gories: Begin­ning Read­er Fic­tion, Begin­ning Read­er Non­fic­tion, Tran­si­tion­al Fic­tion, Tran­si­tion­al Non­fic­tion. The purpose of the award is to iden­ti­fy and pro­mote the best fic­tion and non­fic­tion books pub­lished at the K‑2nd grade read­ing lev­el (ear­ly read­ers) and at the 2nd-4th grade read­ing lev­el (tran­si­tion­al read­ers), both for chil­dren read­ing at grade lev­el and for reluc­tant old­er read­ers; to provide teach­ers, librar­i­ans, and care­givers with a resource list of excel­lent books for begin­ning read­ers; and to encour­age pub­lish­ers, authors, and illus­tra­tors to cre­ate high-qual­i­ty books for begin­ning readers.

Here are this year’s win­ners in all categories:

award flyer page 1 award flyer page 2

It’s a huge hon­or to win, and I’m so grate­ful to the com­mit­tee for select­ing YOU ARE A RACCOON!

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