is an organization that helps kids in need get access to new books of their very own. I’m a huge fan of what they do and have personally supported their mission for a long time, so it’s an incredible honor to have one of my books selected for their marketplace. It’s an even bigger honor to have one of my books selected for their new diversity campaign, called Stories for All. According to their webpage,
What that means is that teachers and other professionals who work with underprivileged children can now request a special edition of Emmanuel’s Dream for just $3.30, which means more children will get a chance to read about Emmanuel’s story and hopefully be inspired to follow their own dreams!
Shortly after the announcement, FirstBook hosted a Twitter chat about diversity in children’s books with fellow #StoriesForAll author Jessixa Bagley and I. You can read the transcript here.
Please help me cheer on FirstBook, along with their sponsors and partners, for recognizing the need for diverse books for kids and their ongoing commitment to getting books into the hands of the children who need them most. And, if you wish to make a financial contribution, you can do so here. Thanks!