Announcing the book giveaway winners!

Be a Changemaker cover

A cou­ple of weeks ago I announced give­aways here and on Goodreads for both Be a Change­mak­er and Emmanuel’s Dream. We have winners!
From my list of newslet­ter sub­scribers, cho­sen by, the win­ners are…
Be a Changemaker coverJim McGin­ley wins a signed copy of Be a Change­mak­er! I swear it was com­plete­ly ran­dom, but this is just so per­fect. Jim was one of the very first peo­ple to help and encour­age me on my quest to write this book, and his ear­ly sup­port meant a lot to me. He’s even men­tioned in the acknowl­edge­ments. Some­times fate is hard to deny, you know?
Emmanuel's Dream coverThe win­ner of a signed copy of Emmanuel’s Dream is Lind­say Fouts! This seems like a great fit, too, since Lind­say is both a pic­ture book writer and the moth­er of a young son. I hope they enjoy the book.
And on Goodreads, the win­ners were far flung: Adage from Roma­nia won Be a Change­mak­er, and Jessy from India won Emmanuel’s Dream. Yes, it’ll cost me a lit­tle extra in postage, but it’s excit­ing to know that my books will be trav­el­ing around the world!
Final­ly, in case any­one is curi­ous, some give­away stats from Goodreads…

  • 1004 peo­ple request­ed Emmanuel’s Dream and 464 added it to their To-Read shelf, and
  • 1441 peo­ple request­ed Be a Change­mak­er and 610 added it to their To-Read shelf.