Here is my professional success list for 2023:
I signed a contract for a new picture book and delivered the final manuscript text.
I drafted an informational fiction picture book I’ve had in my head for quite a while (but am still working on).
I re-envisioned and re-drafted an older informational fiction picture book manuscript I’ve been working on for a long time (and am still working on).
I finished revising a nonfiction picture book manuscript.
I took Elana K. Arnold’s Revision Season course and did several revision passes on my first-ever novel (and still have more revising to do).
I did a ton of promotion for my new books, You Are a Honey Bee! and You Are a Raccoon!
I delivered many school visits and appearances.
I updated my school visit presentations.
I updated my website with the new book information and speaking details.
Personally, I also:
spent a lot of quality time with my adult children,
volunteered as a naturalist with my city’s parks department,
volunteered in a variety of roles with Citizens Climate Lobby, including lobbying Congress (twice!) to take action to protect our climate,
got CPR certified, and
- took not one but two dream vacations!
I often feel like I’m not getting enough done, like I’m not working hard enough, like nothing is happening. It’s good to look back and see, wow, actually, it was a pretty good year!