Nonfiction Monday Review: DOABLE by Deborah Reber

DOABLE cover
by Deb­o­rah Reber
Beyond Words/Simon Pulse (Jan­u­ary 2015)

In this well-orga­nized, easy-to-digest non­fic­tion book for teen girls, Reber employs her train­ing as a life coach as well as her exten­sive work with teen girls to lay out an eight-step plan for read­ers to achieve what­ev­er it is they want to tack­le in life. The steps include defin­ing the goal, defend­ing against obsta­cles, devel­op­ing sup­port sys­tems, deter­min­ing what suc­cess looks like, doing the work, deal­ing with set­backs, and deliv­er­ing the goods. Each step has numer­ous exam­ples, pull­outs, jour­nal exer­cis­es, and more, and every chap­ter ends with a sum­ma­ry to rein­force the main points. Reber man­ages to do all of that while main­tain­ing a charis­ma and relata­bil­i­ty that puts read­ers at ease while at the same time empow­er­ing them, and the tone is nev­er the least bit con­de­scend­ing nor overwhelming.
I loved this book and plan to refer back to it for my own to-do list man­age­ment. In fact, my one and only quib­ble with this book is that it is tar­get­ed sole­ly at teen girls, because I think EVERYONE over the age of 10 should read this book! I think we could all learn a thing or two from it that would make us more suc­cess­ful and make our lives that much eas­i­er. That said, Reber is per­fect­ly in touch with the teen girl audi­ence, and while the core con­tent is high­ly applic­a­ble to any read­er, the voice and view­point will sure­ly be direct­ly rel­e­vant and relat­able to many teenage girls.
This book would make a great eighth grade or high school grad­u­a­tion present, and it’s a super help­ful read for any­one who wants to be more pro­duc­tive (don’t we all?). Far from being didac­tic, DOABLE instills a sense of con­fi­dence and excite­ment. Reber is a fan­tas­tic coach AND a cheer­leader, all rolled into one. High­ly recommended!

Review: Start It Up teen nonfiction

START IT UP by Ken­rya Rankin is a must-have resource for teen (and even mid­dle-grade) read­ers who wish to start any kind of busi­ness, whether it be for prof­it, non­prof­it, or mixed.
The book is clear­ly writ­ten and easy to under­stand, yet includes a wealth of infor­ma­tion for young entre­pre­neurs. The design is clean and func­tion­al, with pull­outs for quick tips, anec­dotes, quotes, and rec­om­mend­ed resources. There are also fun quizzes and help­ful work­sheets. All of this com­bines to turn what could be a dull, dry top­ic into a fun, encour­ag­ing yet real­is­tic resource.
I’d bet there’s enough sub­stance there’s enough sub­stance in this lit­tle gem that even the most sea­soned entre­pre­neurs (adults includ­ed!) will find some­thing of use here. And it’s pre­sent­ed in such a way that even the least busi­ness-mind­ed indi­vid­u­als (again, adults includ­ed!) will be inspired and able to get start­ed in no time.
For chang­ing a life, or chang­ing the world, this book is a win­ner! For more great non­fic­tion books, check out the rest of the cat­a­log at Zest Books–Teen Reads With a Twist. (And no, I haven’t been com­pen­sat­ed in any way for this post. I received a free gal­ley from Net­Gal­ley for review pur­pos­es only.)
This post is part of the Facts First! Non­fic­tion Mon­day roundup. Non­fic­tion Mon­day takes place every Mon­day at var­i­ous blogs through­out the kidl­i­tos­phere, who write about non­fic­tion books for kids and col­lect all the reviews in one place. This week, the Non­fic­tion Mon­day roundup is being host­ed by Jean Lit­tle Library. To see the entire sched­ule, please vis­it the Non­fic­tion Mon­day blog.