February 26th is National Fairy Tale Day!

I love fairy tales. My hus­band loves fairy tales (thanks to him we own an almost com­plete set of the Pan­theon Fairy Tale and Folk­lore Library!). And of course, my kids love fairy tales. Who doesn’t?

Old pho­tos of Snow White and one of her dwarfs—Hungry, maybe?

While search­ing for ideas for this mon­th’s Pic­ture Book Marathon, I’ve been read­ing more fairy tales and folk­tales than I nor­mal­ly do. And I’ve been lov­ing every minute of it!
Imag­ine my sur­prise when I dis­cov­ered the Feb­ru­ary 26th is Nation­al Fairy Tale Day! I can’t find an offi­cial source for that, but oth­er peo­ple seem to cel­e­brate it, so why not? I’ll take any excuse to share some of my new­ly dis­cov­ered favorites with the kids at bed­time tonight, or maybe I’ll even read them some of the retellings I’ve writ­ten this month. 🙂
Look­ing for more fairy tale facts or fun? Here are some resources I’ve found:

  • SurLaLune is THE place to start research­ing fairy tales on the web. It fea­tures 49 anno­tat­ed fairy tales, includ­ing their his­to­ries, sim­i­lar tales across cul­tures, mod­ern inter­pre­ta­tions and over 1,500 illus­tra­tions. Wow!
  • Here’s a great old post writ­ten by Han­nah Boyd about Why Fairy Tales Mat­ter.

“[Fairy tales] work through so many per­son­al and cul­tur­al anx­i­eties, yet they do it in a safe, ‘once upon a time’ way,” says Maria Tatar, a pro­fes­sor at Har­vard Col­lege who writes about, and teach­es class­es on, fairy tales. “Fairy tales have a real role in lib­er­at­ing the imag­i­na­tion of chil­dren. No mat­ter how vio­lent they are, the pro­tag­o­nist always survives.”

I’d rather just read and enjoy (and write!) them, though. Two of my favorites have always been The Ugly Duck­ling and Puss in Boots. I guess I’ve always been a suck­er for a good under­dog story.
What are your favorites, and why?

p.s. Feb­ru­ary is also Nation­al Love Your Library Month. Why not head to your local library and pick up some fairy tales to enjoy with some­one spe­cial tonight?

Oodles of story ideas!

Pic­ture Book Marathon 2011 Logo, by Nathan Hale

I’m behind on the Pic­ture Book Marathon and have some seri­ous catch­ing up to do, so I’m going to make this short, but thanks to this Pic­ture Book Marathon blog post, I dis­cov­ered some great new sto­ry idea resources that I just have to share!
Author Rick Wal­ton has some great tips for com­ing up with sto­ry ideas here. He lists a bunch of dif­fer­ent ways you might get start­ed with a sto­ry. For exam­ple, choose a char­ac­ter, a quest, or even just a phrase–just about any­thing that comes to mind–then fol­low it, and see where it goes.
To help with that, he’s also com­piled lots and lots of amaz­ing brain­storm­ing lists for chil­dren’s book writ­ers, which you can find here. A few of my favorites include:

If you can’t find some sto­ry ideas in there some­where, you might want to try a new career. Maybe brick lay­ing or air traf­fic con­trol? (Oh wait, that’s what MY high school apti­tude test said I should do. I guess you’re on your own.)

Picture Book Marathon–Day 14


Last month, I blogged that I was going to to do two big chal­lenges: the pic­ture book marathon and the Word­Press PostAWeek. I’ve pret­ty much been keep­ing up with the Word­Press PostAWeek chal­lenge. I think I’ve put up some good posts so far, but I’m still a lit­tle dis­ap­point­ed with the results. I was hop­ing to get a lit­tle more inspired, get a lot more into the flow of reg­u­lar blog­ging, and get more com­fort­able shar­ing more about what I’m learn­ing and doing. Per­haps that will come in time. After all, I’ve been fair­ly well con­sumed by the Pic­ture Book Marathon all this month, too!
The PB Marathon is a chal­lenge “dur­ing which children’s writ­ers com­pose one pic­ture book each day until they have writ­ten 26 pic­ture books.” Today is day 14, and I’m pleased to say I’m half way there! So far, I’ve writ­ten 13 brand-new pic­ture books includ­ing every­thing from non­fic­tion sci­ence and biogra­phies to pure­ly fic­tion­al goofi­ness to tra­di­tion­al folk­tale retellings. It’s been a lot of work, but I have def­i­nite­ly learned that I can com­mit to a dai­ly writ­ing prac­tice. (Well, Mon­day through Fri­day, any­way. Week­ends have been near­ly impos­si­ble!) I’ve also been pleas­ant­ly sur­prised by the results. I was expect­ing per­haps two out of 26 to be worth pur­su­ing, but so far, I think maybe there are only about two that should prob­a­bly just be delet­ed right now. Some are bet­ter than oth­ers, of course, but I think most of them do have the poten­tial to be devel­oped into some­thing inter­est­ing. And since I like doing revi­sion much bet­ter than writ­ing first drafts, I’ll be set for quite some time (although I am def­i­nite­ly going to con­tin­ue with some type of new writ­ing work every day—just not a whole book)!
So, Feb­ru­ary is half over. And 2011 is look­ing to be a very pro­duc­tive year. Over the hump and on down the oth­er side!

Review: Tom Thumb


I just fin­ished an advance read­ing copy of TOM THUMB: THE REMARKABLE TRUE STORY OF A MAN IN MINIATURE by George Sul­li­van (Clar­i­on; Feb­ru­ary, 2011; 208 pages; grades 5–9).

Writ­ing non-fic­tion is like putting togeth­er the pieces of a puz­zle, says author George Sul­li­van… “I like non­fic­tion because I’m a very curi­ous per­son, and the research that I do I find intro­duces me to new worlds,” he said. “I’m always inter­est­ed in find­ing out what peo­ple were real­ly like—how they live, what the fam­i­ly life was like, what moti­vat­ed them.” (full arti­cle here)

I think he suc­ceeds in con­vey­ing that sense of curios­i­ty and won­der to his read­ers, and TOM THUMB should be of great inter­est to mid­dle-graders for both plea­sure read­ing and research­ing reports.
In TOM THUMB, Sul­li­van pieces togeth­er the puz­zle behind the real-life sto­ry of Charles Sher­wood Strat­ton (a dwarf who would lat­er become famous­ly known as Tom Thumb), as well as those of P.T. Bar­num and Tom Thumb’s wife, Lavinia.
Writ­ten as a nar­ra­tive, the text chrono­log­i­cal­ly fol­lows Tom Thumb’s life and beyond, weav­ing an inter­est­ing biog­ra­phy and tale of his­to­ry and show­man­ship. Sul­li­van treats his sub­ject with care­ful dig­ni­ty and respect.
In addi­tion to the sto­ry itself, librar­i­ans, teach­ers, and researchers will appre­ci­ate the atten­tion to back­mat­ter, includ­ing acknowl­edge­ments, about the sources, end notes, bib­li­og­ra­phy, books and arti­cles list, and an index.
In my mind, the book also rais­es some inter­est­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for dis­cus­sions in class­rooms and chil­dren’s book clubs:

  1. The book makes it clear that Tom Thumb appar­ent­ly enjoyed play­ing his roles and liv­ing life as a per­former in the pub­lic eye, but oth­ers, most notably Bar­num and Tom Thumb’s own par­ents, also prof­it­ed from his on-stage antics. At what point does it con­sti­tute exploita­tion to treat peo­ple this way? What fac­tors might have made it accept­able his­tor­i­cal­ly? How is it dif­fer­ent today? What types of exploita­tion, if any, still exist today? Should they be banned?
  2. The book reveals Barnum’s skills in self-pro­mo­tion, mar­ket­ing, and know­ing what audi­ences want­ed and were will­ing to pay for. It also reveals sev­er­al knows cas­es of “hum­bug­gery,” or instances where he know­ing­ly deceived audi­ences to draw big­ger crowds and more prof­it. Is this behav­ior accept­able for a “show­man?” What might “hum­bug­gery” look like today, and how do we try to pro­tect con­sumers from it? Are we suc­cess­ful? How can we be on the look­out for “hum­bug­gery” in today’s media?

Sul­li­van has writ­ten more than 100 books for chil­dren, and he’s still writ­ing in his 80s. He shared some of his tips here, includ­ing:

“I write very ear­ly in the morn­ing, when my mind is fresh and when I know I’m not going to be inter­rupt­ed by the tele­phone or vis­i­tors or what­ev­er might occur dur­ing the day,” he said. “I do a great deal of work in the ear­ly morn­ing hours.”


“You take the project and you break it into pieces,” he said. “You have an out­line that breaks it down into dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories. Then you research each of these pieces, instead of try­ing to do every­thing all at once.”

Good advice. And Sul­li­van has cer­tain­ly built a book, and a career, worth emulating.

Review: The Many Faces of George Washington

I recent­ly signed up for NetGalley.com, which lets pub­lish­ers con­nect their upcom­ing books with review­ers, media, librar­i­ans, book­sellers, blog­gers, and edu­ca­tors. It’s easy to use, helps me keep up with what’s hap­pen­ing in the mar­ket, and—lucky for you!—it allows me to share these new works I love with my blog readers!

The first book I down­loaded was one I’d heard about the NFforKids Yahoo group for non­fic­tion children’s book writ­ers. THE MANY FACES OF GEORGE WASHINGTON: REMAKING A PRESIDENTIAL ICON, a mid­dle-grade avail­able on 4/1/2011 from Car­ol­rho­da Books, was writ­ten by friend and for­mer SCBWI region­al advi­sor Car­la Kil­lough McClaf­fer­ty. I found the unique con­cept to be extreme­ly intrigu­ing. The fol­low­ing is excerpt­ed from the front flap copy:

“George Washington’s face has been paint­ed, print­ed, and engraved more than a bil­lion times since his birth in 1732. And yet even in his life­time, no pic­ture seemed to cap­ture the like­ness of the man who is now the most icon­ic of all our pres­i­dents… In 2005 a team of his­to­ri­ans, sci­en­tists, and arti­sans at Mount Ver­non… tapped into skills as diverse as eigh­teenth-cen­tu­ry leather­work­ing and cut­ting-edge com­put­er pro­gram­ming to assem­ble truer likenesses.”

I was not to be dis­ap­point­ed, and gob­bled this 120-page book up in a sin­gle after­noon. Equal parts his­to­ry and tech­no­log­i­cal thriller, THE MANY FACES OF GEORGE WASHINGTON bril­liant­ly alter­nates between the his­tor­i­cal con­text of the man and the mod­ern-day tech­niques used to redis­cov­er his real appear­ance. Below, Car­la gra­cious­ly shares some insights and behind-the-scenes infor­ma­tion on how this amaz­ing book came to be.

LT: How did you find out about this fas­ci­nat­ing sto­ry of recre­at­ing George Washington’s like­ness, and what made you decide to pur­sue it as a mid­dle-grade non­fic­tion book?
CKM: I love to watch The His­to­ry Channel—which comes as no sur­prise since I write non­fic­tion books about his­tor­i­cal top­ics. One day in 2007, I watched a doc­u­men­tary titled The Search for George Wash­ing­ton. It showed how Mount Ver­non brought togeth­er a team of experts from the fields of sci­ence, his­to­ry, and art in order to find out what George Wash­ing­ton real­ly looked like. Their work result­ed in three life-sized rep­re­sen­ta­tions of Wash­ing­ton at the ages of 19, 45, and 57, which are exhib­it­ed at Mount Ver­non. I was fas­ci­nat­ed by the project. The 3D scan­ner images of the Houdon bust made me sit up and take notice—probably because my first career is as a radi­o­log­ic tech­nol­o­gist. The idea for THE MANY FACES OF GEORGE WASHINGTON: REMAKING A PRESIDENTIAL ICON was born as I watched that doc­u­men­tary. I rec­og­nized imme­di­ate­ly that this new infor­ma­tion dis­cov­ered by the Mount Ver­non team would pro­vide a fresh look at George Wash­ing­ton that would per­fect for a book. I love to write for a mid­dle-grade audi­ence because they already have a gen­er­al knowl­edge of many things, but they are will­ing to add deep­er lay­ers to their understanding.
LT: What kind of read­er do you think this book will appeal to?
CKM: I work hard to make sure my books can be read, under­stood and (hope­ful­ly) enjoyed by read­ers from ten years old through adult­hood. I write sim­ply and explain everything—but I write about com­plex top­ics. What I hope is that a ten year old read­er under­stands the text with­out a struggle—and an adult read­er does not feel they are read­ing a kid’s book. Regard­less of the age of my read­ers, my goal is to inter­est them in a top­ic they didn’t know they would be fas­ci­nat­ed by, and write it in such a way that the infor­ma­tion will stay with them.
LT: I think you’ve def­i­nite­ly achieved that here, through both the way the book is writ­ten and the wide vari­ety of sub­ject areas it cov­ers: art, his­to­ry, sci­ence, tech­nol­o­gy. What was your favorite part to research and write? What was the hard­est part for you? How did you deal with that?
CKM: Every part of this book was enjoy­able for me. But if I had to say, it would be that I loved get­ting to know George Wash­ing­ton as I researched his life. I began this project with very lit­tle knowl­edge of Wash­ing­ton or the Amer­i­can Rev­o­lu­tion. As I stud­ied, I began to under­stand how amaz­ing this man was, and how aston­ish­ing it is that Amer­i­ca won inde­pen­dence. I’ve even come to think that with­out George Washington—the war might have NOT have been won.
CKM: My favorite part relat­ing to the cre­ation of the Wash­ing­ton fig­ures was get­ting to know many incred­i­ble peo­ple involved in the project. I absolute­ly love the folks at Mount Ver­non. Diana Cor­dray, the edu­ca­tion cen­ter manager/special projects coor­di­na­tor, has helped me in a thou­sand ways. It was also a treat to get to know the artists Steven Horak, Sue Day and Stu­art Williamson and watch them work. I now count these amaz­ing peo­ple among my friends.
CKM: The hard­est part was locat­ing many of the peo­ple who con­tributed to the project in var­i­ous ways in order to inter­view them. I kept ask­ing ques­tions and search­ing around until I found them.
LT: Dur­ing your research, what sur­prised you the most?
CKM: The most sur­pris­ing thing was the man, George Wash­ing­ton. He was hand­some, dash­ing, and brave. He was the best horse­man AND the best dancer in Vir­ginia. Today we would say he was a “man’s man”. And the ladies liked him too.
LT: How much time did you spend research­ing over­all, and how long did it take to write the book? How much time did you spend research­ing “on location?”
CKM: This book has tak­en three years from the time I real­ly deter­mined this is the book I just HAD to write until it was released. I’ve spent three weeks in Vir­ginia, at Mount Ver­non, York­town, and Colo­nial Williams­burg. I also spent a week in New York City doing research.
LT: How do you man­age all of the research for a book like this? What’s your orga­ni­za­tion­al sys­tem? Does it evolve over the course of a project?
CKM: My orga­ni­za­tion­al sys­tem is con­stant­ly chang­ing, and I’m always look­ing for bet­ter ways to work. For this book I read more than fifty books about George Wash­ing­ton. I bought most of them off of Ebay and Ama­zon so I could mark them up and make notes in the mar­gins. In this way, I didn’t have to write mas­sive notes; I could just refer back to the books them­selves. Plus I have three huge Rub­ber­maid con­tain­ers where I file notes and research from places oth­er than books.
LT: Did you do all the pho­to research for the book too? Can you tell us about that process?
CKM: From the very begin­ning of my research on a book, I’m look­ing for the right images. It all hap­pens at the same time, yet I under­stand that in the end some images must be delet­ed for space con­sid­er­a­tions in the end. I’m thrilled with the way the book looks. The design team at Car­ol­rho­da did an amaz­ing job.
LT: I agree. The end result is gor­geous! Anoth­er thing I love is the way the book is struc­tured, with the buildup of the prob­lem and their approach to solv­ing it, fol­lowed by alter­nat­ing his­tor­i­cal chap­ters and mod­ern-day re-cre­ation chap­ters. I think this approach real­ly serves to engage both types of read­ers, those more inter­est­ed in the his­to­ry as well as those more inter­est­ed in tech­nol­o­gy, to keep read­ing and learn new things in both areas. Rather than stick to chrono­log­i­cal order or present both sto­ries sep­a­rate­ly, how did you arrive at this par­tic­u­lar structure?
CKM: How to struc­ture the book was one of the most dif­fi­cult issues of this project because the sci­en­tif­ic inves­ti­ga­tion went back­wards in time, from old­er Wash­ing­ton to younger Wash­ing­ton. I con­sid­ered doing it count­less ways, but each way pre­sent­ed chal­lenges and prob­lems. In the end, Andrew Karre, my won­der­ful edi­tor at Car­ol­rho­da, felt it would be best to go back and forth between the fig­ures and the bio­graph­ic mate­r­i­al. From there, I had to fig­ure out how to make it work. It was a chal­lenge because I had to fig­ure out how to deal with the reverse order of the de-aging process, start the bio sec­tion with young George Wash­ing­ton, and not back­track to the science.
LT: What did you learn from this book, as a writer, that you’ll be able to apply on future projects?
CKM: For my last book, In Defi­ance of Hitler: The Secret Mis­sion of Var­i­an Fry, I researched and wrote at the same time—and I fin­ished that book faster than any of my oth­er books. With this George Wash­ing­ton book, I spent months read­ing book after book with­out writ­ing any text. In the end, this gave me a good foun­da­tion about Wash­ing­ton and the Rev­o­lu­tion, but it slowed down the whole process. I won’t make that mis­take again. In the future, I’ll research and work on the text at the same time.
LT: What was your revi­sion process like, includ­ing how many times you revised and at what stage(s) of the process?
CKM: When I get a good rough draft and I go through the entire thing again and again and again until I think it is right. I revise it keep­ing the entire book in mind since what I write on one page influ­ences what comes lat­er and before. I don’t keep track of how many times I revise the entire man­u­script before send­ing it out—I just keep work­ing until it is done.
LT: Tell us about the pitch and sales process you went through with this book. How much did you have researched and writ­ten when you pitched your agent (Susan Cohen at Writer’s House)? And when she then pitched it to editors?
CKM: I talked to my agent Susan Cohen about it and she sug­gest­ed I write a pro­pos­al. She read the pro­pos­al and sug­gest­ed some changes. I did a lot of research before I was able to write the pro­pos­al in a way that would reflect what I want­ed to do in the book. My pre­vi­ous books were with FSG, but my edi­tor was no longer with FSG, so Susan began send­ing the pro­pos­al out about end of 2008 to oth­er houses.
LT: You men­tioned Andrew Karre at Car­ol­rho­da was very sup­port­ive of the book’s con­cept and also had some input into the struc­ture of the infor­ma­tion. Can you tell us what it was like work­ing with Car­ol­rho­da, and how it might have dif­fered from oth­er pub­lish­ers for your pre­vi­ous books?
CKM: Andrew Karre is an excel­lent edi­tor and has been won­der­ful and. From the first day, he was enthu­si­as­tic about the book and saw the project the way I did. Dur­ing revi­sions, he had sug­ges­tions on adding or omit­ting mate­r­i­al. I con­sid­ered his edits care­ful­ly, but in the end he would give me the final say on what to do with it. He trust­ed me as the author, and I trust­ed him as the edi­tor. It must work both ways.
CKM: My oth­er books have been with FSG. I worked with two dif­fer­ent edi­tors there through the years, Rob­bie Mayes and Bev­er­ly Rein­gold. Both of them were excel­lent edi­tors. I’d say the biggest dif­fer­ence between work­ing with FSG and with Car­ol­rho­da is that at FSG we worked on a phys­i­cal hard copy of a man­u­script and with Car­ol­rho­da, Andrew and I worked on an elec­tron­ic manuscript.
LT: What are you work­ing on next?
I’ve always had to fin­ish one project com­plete­ly before I move on to the next one. Now that The Many Faces of George Wash­ing­ton: Remak­ing a Pres­i­den­tial Icon is out, I need to decide. But it seems I’m not quite ready to let go of George Washington—maybe there is anoth­er book there somewhere.
LT: Car­la, thanks so much for shar­ing such detailed and hon­est answers with us!
CKM: Thank you! It is always so much fun to talk about my books when they final­ly come out.
I encour­age you to find out more about Car­la and The Many Faces of George Wash­ing­ton here!

I’m off to NYC for #NY11SCBWI!

I have to admit, I’m a lit­tle more ner­vous about attend­ing the SCBWI con­fer­ence in NY this year. Yes, they’re going to have great speak­ers (Lois Lowry! Jane Yolen! R. L. Stine! Mo Willems! and plen­ty of oth­er won­der­ful peo­ple!). And yes, there will be agents, edi­tors, and pub­lish­ers there. But I’ve got­ten fair­ly used to that by going to so many great SCBWI events over the last few years.  No, that’s not why I’m nervous.
I’m ner­vous because NYC has been called “the bed­bug cap­i­tal of the world.”

I guess that’s sup­posed to be me, although the incred­i­bly tal­ent­ed Dana Sul­li­van must have missed my tweet about pack­ing to stay warm and only wear­ing com­fort­able shoes this trip (sor­ry NYC fash­ion­istas, but it’s not like I had a chance any­way). And a mar­ti­ni? Per­haps he also does­n’t know I’m more of a Guin­ness-girl. At the very least, cock­tails should def­i­nite­ly not have veg­eta­bles in them. Besides that, though, Dana’s pure bril­liance. You can see more fun­ny things from him, or even sign up to receive one by email every week, here.
Any­way, I’ve got plas­tic bags for all my clothes, I plan to keep my suit­case and clothes off the floor at all times, and I WILL be check­ing the bed and room when I arrive. So, let’s hope the only new things I bring back home with me are books.
Wish me luck!

New year, new commitments

I’m usu­al­ly pret­ty big on reflect­ing on the past year, re-eval­u­at­ing, and set­ting goals (not so much res­o­lu­tions) around the start of each new year. Start­ing into this year, though, I just didn’t real­ly have any. Am I just hap­py where I’m at—coasting along with mag­a­zine arti­cles but no books con­tract­ed yet? Cer­tain­ly not! But every­thing I came up with—everything I know I need to do—sounded too big and too scary for me to actu­al­ly com­mit. Me, a com­mit­ment-phobe? Not gen­er­al­ly, no. I was con­fused and dis­heart­ened by my appar­ent total lack of resolve. And, I was begin­ning to lament that Jan­u­ary was half over and I STILL hadn’t come with any rea­son­able goals that I felt I could stick to.
Enter serendipity.


First, I stum­bled upon a rel­a­tive­ly new blog writ­ten by a new mem­ber of the NFforKids Yahoo group, Car­ole Bruce Col­lett. One of her posts men­tioned that she’s doing the Word­Press  Post A Week 2011. Intrigued, I checked it out. Wow, they not only ask me to com­mit to post once each week in 2011, they also send reminders, prompts, and inspi­ra­tion! Okay, maybe I can do that. I mean, I will do that! So, watch for at least a post each week. I won’t promise they’ll all be good, though!


Then, I saw a post about the sec­ond annu­al Pic­ture Book Marathon on SCBWI West­ern Washington’s Chi­nook Update blog. Par­tic­i­pants com­mit to write 26 pic­ture books dur­ing the month of Feb­ru­ary (leav­ing just two well-deserved rest days). One of the things I was try­ing to com­mit to was writ­ing every day, writ­ing more new work, writ­ing just for fun. But all of those things were too big. One month, 26 pic­ture books? Mea­sur­able. Doable. 26 days. And they offer “train­ing” emails! (Are you sens­ing I need a lit­tle hand-hold­ing?) I got in just before the first train­ing email, and I am psy­ched! But I won’t promise ANY of these will be good!

I love the writ­ers’ com­mu­ni­ty that is grow­ing out there in cyber­space. I love the sup­port and encour­age­ment I get from “the tribe,” even those I’ve nev­er met, and may nev­er meet, in per­son. ‘Tis a fab­u­lous thing we do, and ‘tis done by fab­u­lous peo­ple. Thanks for reading!