Summer 2015 roundup

The days are (final­ly) get­ting cool­er and damper here in the Pacif­ic North­west and most of the kids are back in school, so it seems like a good time to reflect on the summer.
I typ­i­cal­ly don’t get to do much writ­ing-relat­ed work over the sum­mer, since the kids are home from school and the sun is shin­ing, but this sum­mer was filled with fun and excit­ing author events!

2015-07-11 Andersons Bookshop kids books extravaganza 2First, I got to par­tic­i­pate in a huge author pan­el at Ander­son­’s Book­shop in Naperville, IL. The kids’ books extrav­a­gan­za on July 11th includ­ed some of my best friends in the indus­try, includ­ing Chris­tine Hayes, Ruth Bar­shaw, Lyn­da Hunt, Keyan Atte­ber­ry, Jen­nifer Cham­b­liss Bert­man, Tara Dair­man, Janet Fox, and Amy Finnegan. It was even more won­der­ful because I got to meet the very spe­cial some­one who wrote one of my all-time favorite reviews Emmanuel’s Dream, Kee­gan Knott, and it was her birth­day, too! I got a hug. It’s a day I won’t soon for­get, let me tell you. Thank you Ander­son­’s and Kee­gan for the won­der­ful mem­o­ries! =D

EMLA costume partyNext I head­ed to the Erin Mur­phy Lit­er­ary Agency client retreat at The Abbey Resort at Lake Gene­va. I can’t even begin to explain what a pow­er­ful, amaz­ing this annu­al event is for me, and this year was no dif­fer­ent. We do lots of fun, sil­ly things like the cos­tume par­ty, but we also do a lot of learn­ing, net­work­ing, shar­ing, con­nect­ing, grow­ing, and more. I feel so blessed to be a part of this community!
2015-07-12 Mustard Museum2015-07-12 St LouisIMG_2675From there I con­tin­ued on down to St. Louis to sign books at ILA and con­duct a research trip. Our first stop was the Nation­al Mus­tard Muse­um.

What am I research­ing there, you ask? Well, you’ll just have to wait and see! St. Louis was beau­ti­ful, ILA was a lot of fun, and I even got to go to
Cyn­thia Levin­son’s book launch par­ty for Watch Out for Fly­ing Kids while I was there. Plus, the research trip was a huge suc­cess. I can’t wait to get back to work on that manuscript!

I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to appear at sev­er­al sum­mer camps, includ­ing one on being a change­mak­er and anoth­er on ear­ly lit­er­a­cy, which I loved, and I did inter­views on two dif­fer­ent live radio programs.

IMG_2956Last but cer­tain­ly not least, I also spoke at the Pacif­ic North­west Library Asso­ci­a­tion (PNLA) annu­al con­fer­ence in Port­land with two of my favorite non­fic­tion authors, Mary Cronk Far­rell and Eliz­a­beth Rusch, and I did my first sto­ry­time for My Dog Is the Best at Uni­ver­si­ty Book­store in Bellevue.
It was a busy, ful­fill­ing sum­mer, and now I’m look­ing for­ward to some qui­et writ­ing time!

The Emmanuel’s Dream blog tour wrap-up

Emmanuel's Dream cover

Emmanuel's Dream cover
This is some­thing I’ve been mean­ing to do for a very long time now, but just nev­er got around to doing. Bet­ter late than nev­er, right? Here’s a roundup of all the fab­u­lous blogs that fea­tured Emmanuel’s Dream a few months (gulp) ago for the blog tour. If you want to read reviews of the book, guest posts from me, or inter­views with me about the book, look no fur­ther! Here they are gath­ered all in one place to make things easy for you.

Mon, Jan 12 Great Kid Books Review and interview
Tues, Jan 13 5 Min­utes for Books Review
Wed, Jan 14 Unleash­ing Readers Review, teach­ers’ tools, and interview
Thurs, Jan 15 Sharpread Inter­view
Fri, Jan 16 Crack­ing the Cover Inter­view
Sat, Jan 17 Book­ing Mama Review
Mon, Jan 19 Once Upon a Story Review and interview
Tues, Jan 20 Pros­e­and­kahn Review
Wed, Jan 21 Geo Librar­i­an Review and interview
Thurs, Jan 22 Non­fic­tion Detectives Review
Fri, Jan 23 The Fourth Musketeer Review
Fri, Jan 23 Kir­by’s Lane Guest post, Friend Friday
Mon, Jan 26 NC Teacher Stuff Review
Tues, Jan 27 Teach Men­tor Texts Review and writ­ing prompt

Many thanks to these fan­tas­tic blog­gers for their ded­i­ca­tion to pro­mot­ing great books for kids! I hope you’ll check them out for their oth­er reviews and posts, too.

3 easy ways to help an author

book shelves

Many peo­ple have asked me what they can do to help pro­mote my book. Many oth­ers have already helped in ways both big and small, and I’m grate­ful for each and every one. If you’ve ever won­dered how to help an author friend, here are some quick, easy things you can do that will have a big impact.
1. If you can, buy the book… for your­self and for others!

  • Day 193: The Bluest EyeBooks make great gifts, so con­sid­er hol­i­days, birth­days, and oth­er cel­e­bra­tions as well as grad­u­a­tions, retire­ments, new babies, and oth­er mile­stones com­ing up in the lives of your friends, fam­i­ly, teach­ers and coach­es, and co-workers.
  • Many places are thrilled to receive dona­tions of new books, too. Think about buy­ing extra copies for your local food bank, hos­pi­tal, shel­ters, schools, and libraries.

2. Help get the word out. 

  • Ask your local book­store if they car­ry the book. If you’re bold, you can even tell them why they might want to con­sid­er stock­ing it!
  • Request the book from your local library, and then check it out when it arrives.
  • book shelvesAsk for help find­ing it on the shelf in book­stores and libraries, even if you already know where it is, so the book­sellers and librar­i­ans will know where it is, too!
  • Ask the author for some book­marks or oth­er swag, which you can hand out to book­store employ­ees, librar­i­ans, and teach­ers or leave behind in cof­fee shops, doctor’s offices, wait­ing rooms, etc. as appropriate.
  • Share pho­tos of “in the wild” sight­ings of the book to increase aware­ness of the cov­er and title.

3. If you like the book, share your thoughts with others!

  • Add to GoodreadsWrite a nice review on Ama­zon,, Goodreads, and/or else­where. It doesn’t have to be long or pro­found: Five stars and a sim­ple “Loved it!” can go a long way!
  • Mark well-writ­ten good reviews you see on those sites as help­ful (and, con­verse­ly, if you see reviews that are just mean or unfair, mark them as not helpful).
  • Share your thoughts on the book with your friends and fol­low­ers on your social media out­lets like your blog, Tum­blr, Face­book, Twit­ter, Insta­gram, etc.
  • Tell the author! Not all reviews are pos­i­tive, and hear­ing from some­one who liked the book might be just what the author needs.


Be a Changemaker cover

Be a Changemaker coverI’ve been sur­prised and hon­ored to be includ­ed on a pletho­ra of fan­tas­tic blogs as part of a blog tour to help launch Be a Change­mak­er into the world. There are guest posts writ­ten by me on a vari­ety of top­ics relat­ed to the book, as well as inter­views, reviews, quotes, and, yes–book give­aways! Be sure to check out all of the tour stops, and please give these love­ly blog­gers some love, won’t you?
Here’s what has already been posted:

Review, author inter­view, giveaway
Review, guest post, giveaway
Reviews, teach­ing tools, guest post, giveaway
Review, resources lists
Guest post
Review, give­away

And here’s what is still to come:

Review, give­away
Review, give­away
Author inter­view, giveaway
Guest post, giveaway
Author inter­view, giveaway
Guest post, giveaway

Blue Slip Media logo
This incred­i­ble line­up has been assem­bled and man­aged by the love­ly ladies at Blue Slip Media. Thank you, Sarah and Barbara!