Meet Changemaker Edward Jiang, founder of StudentRND

Edward Jiang

This is the sec­ond post in the series intro­duc­ing the amaz­ing young peo­ple who are pro­filed in my upcom­ing book, BE A CHANGEMAKER: HOW TO START SOMETHING THAT MATTERS (Beyond Words/Simon Pulse, Sep­tem­ber 2014). Today I’m intro­duc­ing Edward Jiang, founder of Stu­den­tRND, and giv­ing some behind-the-scenes details about our in-per­son interview.

Edward Jiang
Edward Jiang

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Meet Changemaker Charles Orgbon III, founder of Greening Forward

Be a Changemaker cover

Today, I’m kick­ing off a series of blog posts that will intro­duce you to some of the amaz­ing young peo­ple who are pro­filed in my upcom­ing book, BE A CHANGEMAKER: HOW TO START SOMETHING THAT MATTERS (Beyond Words/Simon Pulse, Sep­tem­ber 2014). Each of the 18 chap­ters in the book includes a short piece about how one or more young peo­ple changed the world and their expe­ri­ences with the chap­ter top­ic, in par­tic­u­lar. I was able to inter­view most of them in per­son, via Skype, by phone, or by email, and I have so much more great stuff about them than would fit in the book–sort of like out-takes, only bet­ter! I hope you’ll enjoy “meet­ing” them here and read­ing more about them and their work.

Charles Orgbon III
Charles Org­bon III

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