Hot topic — bed sharing

I enjoy doing these Deci­sion Digest columns for BabyMap because I get to explore both sides of a con­tro­ver­sial top­ic and then try to present an unbi­ased sum­ma­ry of all the pros and cons. So many of the ques­tions we encounter as par­ents don’t have a “right” answer. We gath­er all the (often con­flict­ing) infor­ma­tion we can, and then we have to just make the deci­sion that feels like the best fit for us. I hope this arti­cle will help par­ents feel good about their choice and their rea­sons for mak­ing it, what­ev­er they decide.

Should you share a bed with your baby?”, BabyMap, Spring/Summer 2006

Integrated preschools, for kids with and without disabilities

This was one of those top­ics that I def­i­nite­ly had an opin­ion on before I even start­ed. For­tu­nate­ly, that always makes me even more care­ful to research thor­ough­ly. It’s always fun to do an arti­cle where the research and inter­views force me to com­plete­ly change my pre­vi­ous­ly unin­formed opin­ions. This one will stand out in my mind for a long time, and I’m thank­ful I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to write it.

Inte­grat­ed preschools pro­vide ben­e­fits, lessons for all”, EveryChild Spe­cial Sup­ple­ment, Spring/Summer 2006

They’re only baby teeth… Why bother?

Here’s a top­ic I am all too famil­iar with. Despite my best attempts, which admit­ted­ly are nei­ther thor­ough nor con­sis­tent, both my chil­dren had cav­i­ties by age three. I thought I’d done all the research, asked all the right ques­tions, and made all the right deci­sions to pre­vent it from hap­pen­ing again, so I was sure I knew exact­ly what would go into this arti­cle. Research is my favorite part of writ­ing, though, so I dug into it any­way. I found out there’s always more to learn. That’s what I love about research.

Tak­ing care of your preschool­er’s teeth”, Par­entMap, Feb­ru­ary 2006

My first “review”

This month I got to review a new chil­dren’s muse­um which opened near our neigh­bor­hood. I was excit­ed to see the muse­um, and excit­ed to try some­thing a lit­tle bit dif­fer­ent with my writ­ing — a review. It turned out I loved the muse­um and could­n’t wait to take my kids there, so here is the glow­ing review.

Kid­sQuest Chil­dren’s Muse­um — Excit­ing new East­side space for fun and learn­ing”, Par­entMap, Jan­u­ary 2006

Write what you know

This is an arti­cle in which I got to be my own expert. My hus­band and I have had plen­ty of expe­ri­ence trav­el­ing with our two small chil­dren. Many of our friends and fam­i­ly think we’re crazy (and some of our trips have occa­sion­al­ly bor­dered on insan­i­ty), but we love hav­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty to expose them to new things. I’m con­fi­dent it is good for their devel­op­ment, even if they’re too young to remem­ber the actu­al experiences.

Hol­i­day trav­el with babies and tod­dlers”, Par­entMap, Decem­ber 2005