The fight for language ownership: iFart versus “Pull My Finger”

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, I don’t think this is an April Fool’s Day joke.

This case fil­ing is per­haps unique among its peers in con­tain­ing the phrase “deep stir­rings of flat­u­lence,” a phrase one hard­ly expects to encounter in a court filing.

Thanks to Visu­al The­saurus for the full arti­cle.

Literature to Change the World

Many thanks to Mitali Perkins for her recent post enti­tled “How Kids Can Change the World.” It was a short post, but it touched many lives. Per­son­al­ly, I dis­cov­ered a won­der­ful web­site about books for young read­ers (now defunct), read some pow­er­ful essays by Mitali and Hazel Rochman, and found a list of won­der­ful new books to read.

This Thurs­day, I was Mys­tery Read­er in my daughter’s sec­ond-grade class­room. Thanks to Mitali’s essay, I read Amadi’s Snow­man, Ameli­a’s Road, and Beat­rice’s Goat to the class. The kids, from fair­ly homoge­nous, well-to-do back­grounds and used to com­plain­ing about home­work, were spell­bound. I think they def­i­nite­ly “got” it, and I believe they will be think­ing about and affect­ed by those sto­ries for a long time.

I also recent­ly read Eve Bunting’s Fly Away Home and Katie Smith Mil­way’s One Hen to my own chil­dren. My son, the sen­si­tive one, thinks we should let peo­ple who don’t have homes live in air­ports (and real­ly, why not?). My daugh­ter, the entre­pre­neur, wants a hen (just one, Mom!) to keep in the backyard.

I love how lit­er­a­ture can open our eyes and minds to worlds so very dif­fer­ent from our own and spark ideas and dreams we nev­er knew were there. What are your favorites?

This is not me

I have lived in many dif­fer­ent places, had more than one career, and done a lot of dif­fer­ent things. So, in case you’ve ever wondered…
I can­not speak Swedish, and this is not me. Nope, nei­ther is this, although it’s fun to see my name on Amazon.
I do not write para­nor­mal romance nov­els, although it sounds like fun and maybe some­day I will.
I have nev­er been, nor ever will be, a mem­ber of the Gor­geous Ladies of Wrestling (G.L.O.W.), although I was a cheer­leader (small ‘c’) and am a mem­ber of the Gor­geous Ladies of Pub­lish­ing (G.L.O.P.).
I would love to be a zookeep­er, but I’m not.
I enjoy play­ing with my cam­era, but I’m not a pro­fes­sion­al pho­tog­ra­ph­er.
Not an exec­u­tive search pro­fes­sion­al, or a finance and busi­ness affairs exec­u­tive, or a sci­ence teacher.
This is DEFINITELY not me.
Per­haps a pseu­do­nym is in order? Any ideas?
Does any­thing inter­est­ing come up if you Google your name?

Busy, busy, busy…

I haven’t post­ed any new arti­cles for quite awhile now, so you’re prob­a­bly think­ing I’ve been sit­ting at home all day eat­ing bon-bons and watch­ing Oprah. No way! I’ve actu­al­ly been tak­ing a con­scious break from arti­cle writ­ing to focus on a book… or two. What start­ed out as an idea for one mid­dle grade book has now become a pic­ture book biog­ra­phy of Emmanuel Yeboah AND a teen how-to guide for Youth Ven­ture! I’m not sure work­ing on two so total­ly dif­fer­ent books at the same time is a good idea, but they’re slow­ly mov­ing along.

I also joined the Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee of our region­al SCBWI chap­ter last year, and was very busy help­ing to orga­nize our 17th Annu­al Writ­ing and Illus­trat­ing for Chil­dren Con­fer­ence. It was one of the most daunt­ing, eye-open­ing and reward­ing expe­ri­ences of my life, and I tru­ly can’t wait to do it again!

And now, back to work…