The Call

In case you missed it, I made my debut post over on the Emu’s Debuts blog ear­li­er this week! Emu’s Debuts is a group blog main­tained by debut authors rep­re­sent­ed by the Erin Mur­phy Lit­er­ary Agency (get it? E. Mu.?) We blog about that neb­u­lous, murky area between an author’s first book offer to the pub­li­ca­tion of that debut book: Con­tracts! Revi­sions! Reviews! Oh my! It may seem like it’s easy once you’ve signed on the dot­ted line, but it’s a whole new set of prob­lems, anx­i­eties, and rewards.
Any­way, it’s tra­di­tion on Emu’s Debuts for the intro­duc­tion post to be about “the Call.” So, please click here to read how my first book deal came to be.
Have you got­ten “the Call” yet? If so, what was it like for you? If not, what do you imag­ine it will be like when it final­ly hap­pens? Let me know in the comments!