Blogging for Change

Over the past few years, I’ve been doing an increas­ing amount of research about social entre­peneurs, non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions, and local and glob­al chal­lenges. Because I believe it’s my respon­si­bil­i­ty and priv­i­lege to share the knowl­edge that I col­lect, I’m launch­ing a new blog for my find­ings and thoughts on how we can change the world for the bet­ter. You can find it at

There’s not much there yet, but please stay tuned for more.
[2008–10-29: Note–the Change Mak­ing blog now lives in this cat­e­go­ry here at]

How to Change the World

How to Change the World cover

The book that start­ed all of this for me was How to Change the World: Social Entre­pre­neurs and the Pow­er of New Ideas by David Born­stein. He pro­files peo­ple who have made a change in their world, focus­ing on nine indi­vid­u­als who were select­ed for fel­low­ships by an orga­ni­za­tion called Ashoka. Ashoka’s mis­sion is “to shape a cit­i­zen sec­tor that is entre­pre­neur­ial, pro­duc­tive and glob­al­ly inte­grat­ed, and to devel­op the pro­fes­sion of social entre­pre­neur­ship around the world.”

I found each of the indi­vid­u­al’s sto­ries to be an inspi­ra­tion. The things that they accom­plished were indeed extra­or­di­nary, yet the peo­ple them­selves did not seem to be that much dif­fer­ent from any­one else that I know. What made them stand out was their con­vic­tion, deter­mi­na­tion, and per­se­ver­ance. Maybe we don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly need to be smarter, rich­er, or bet­ter con­nect­ed to make a dif­fer­ence. Maybe we just need to try.

Change making launch

Over the past few years, I’ve been increas­ing­ly drawn to social entre­peneur­ship and the pow­er to change the world that has been demon­strat­ed by indi­vid­u­als. With the rise of tech­nol­o­gy, glob­al­iza­tion, and wealth, the pow­er to cre­ate pos­i­tive change in the world is ever-increas­ing. Still, there are seri­ous glob­al chal­lenges that human­i­ty must face. This blog will high­light indi­vid­u­als and orga­ni­za­tions who are solv­ing prob­lems, not just treat­ing them, in new and inter­est­ing ways. It is my hope to inform and inspire oth­ers to rise to the chal­lenge and cre­ate an upward spi­ral of change mak­ing through­out the world.

Unite for Children. Unite against AIDS.

Unite for Chil­dren, Unite against AIDS is a glob­al Cam­paign to alert the world to the fact that chil­dren are miss­ing from the glob­al AIDS agen­da. It pro­vides a plat­form for urgent and sus­tained pro­grams, advo­ca­cy and fundrais­ing to lim­it the impact of HIV/AIDS on chil­dren and help halt the spread of the dis­ease. Pol­i­cy­mak­ers and the glob­al pub­lic must become aware that AIDS not only affect adults, but is hav­ing a dev­as­tat­ing affect on chil­dren through­out the world. Please find out more at