
Zoo Scientists cover


EAVESDROPPING ON ELEPHANTS by Patri­cia New­man Mill­brook Press/August 1, 2018 Grades 4–8, 56 pages Here’s what the pub­lish­er says: Can under­stand­ing how for­est ele­phants com­mu­ni­cate help sci­en­tists find ways to pro­tect this vul­ner­a­ble species? Researcher Katy Pane and oth­ers involved with Cor­nell University’s Ele­phant Lis­ten­ing Project believe it can. Patri­cia New­man takes read­ers behind the scenes to see how sci­en­tists are mak­ing new

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2018 CYBILS Round 1 judge

2018 CYBILS, here I come! I’m excit­ed to share that I’ll be a CYBILS judge again this year. The CYBILS Awards rec­og­nize authors and illus­tra­tors whose books for chil­dren and young adults com­bine both lit­er­ary mer­it and pop­u­lar appeal. In the past, I’ve always helped with judg­ing the younger non­fic­tion cat­e­go­ry (Non­fic­tion Pic­ture Books in 2011 and 2012, and Elementary/Middle

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Two Truths and a Lie: Histories and Mysteries cover

The Histories and Mysteries blog tour roundup

Our lat­est in the Two Truths and a Lie series, His­to­ries and Mys­ter­ies, has been out for a few weeks now, and we were lucky enough to have it hit the web for its offi­cial blog tour right around pub­li­ca­tion day. Now that the dust has start­ed to set­tle a bit, I want­ed to share all of the in-depth reviews, edu­ca­tion­al materials,

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Bookstore window display

Launch party recap for Two Truths and a Lie: Histories and Mysteries

I want­ed to share some of my favorite pho­tos from the Two Truths and a Lie: His­to­ries and Mys­ter­ies launch par­ty last Sat­ur­day at Brick and Mor­tar Books: This is the win­dow dis­play that greet­ed us when we arrived at Brick and Mor­tar Books! So nice!! They had loads of books ready for sale! The sign­ing line starts to form. Fun sign­ing books! Signing

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Two Truths and a Lie: Histories and Mysteries cover

Happy book birthday to Histories and Mysteries!

TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE: HISTORIES AND MYSTERIES is final­ly here! It takes a lot of peo­ple work­ing togeth­er to cre­ate a book, and this book had such an amaz­ing team behind it. Many, many thanks to my co-author, Ammi-Joan Paque­tte; our agent, Erin Mur­phy; our edi­tor, Jor­dan Brown; and all the won­der­ful folks at Walden Pond Press and HarperCollins.

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What to read on World Refugee Day

Can you imag­ine becom­ing a refugee, need­ing to leave your house sud­den­ly with no plans, lit­tle idea of where to go, and the knowl­edge that you may nev­er return? Every day chil­dren and their fam­i­lies are being forced to flee their homes, com­mu­ni­ties, and coun­tries around the world just to stay alive. Today, June 20th, is World Refugee Day, held

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Two Truths and a Lie: Histories and Mysteries cover

Launch party for Two Truths and a Lie: Histories and Mysteries

Please join me for the West Coast Launch Par­ty for TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE: HISTORIES AND MYSTERIES Sat­ur­day, June 30th, 2 PM ** A triv­ia-style game-show chal­lenge… with prizes! Q&A, exclu­sive behind-the-scenes gos­sip, and out­takes! Book swag! Char­i­ta­ble giv­ing! Free snacks and drinks! Books, books, and more books! Brick & Mor­tar Books 7430 164th Avenue North­east Red­mond, WA 98052 To RSVP, please vis­it the event

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Two Truths and a Lie cover

Two Truths and a Lie: It’s Alive! (now in paperback)

And I want to be a paper­back writer Paper­back writer! (cue music by the Bea­t­les) I’ve tech­ni­cal­ly already had one paper­back release, since Be a Change­mak­er: How to Start Some­thing that Mat­ters came out in hard­cov­er, paper­back, and e‑book all at the same time. That does­n’t make it any less excit­ing that Two Truths and a Lie: It’s Alive!, which came

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Good news for Emmanuel’s Dream

It is so hard for me to believe that I’m still get­ting good news about Emmanuel’s Dream more than three years after it was pub­lished! I thought I’d share some of the most excit­ing bits with you here: First, you’ve heard of lit­tle free libraries, right? Have you heard about the Lit­tle Free Library orga­ni­za­tion? If not, def­i­nite­ly check them out,

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