
Gleams When Wet cover

Thoughts on Writing Poetry

I’m strug­gling to write a poet­ic pic­ture book. To fill me with the metaphor, imagery, rhythm and meter that I’m striv­ing for, I’ve been read­ing oth­er books of poet­ry. Two inter­est­ing things hap­pened dur­ing today’s read­ings… First, I was read­ing Gleams When Wet by Debra Spencer. I had picked it up at Half Price Books on a whim, since I’m

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Growing Up Gorilla cover

Blog Tour: Growing Up Gorilla by Clare Hodgson Meeker

Today I’m thrilled to be a part of the blog tour for Clare Hodg­son Meeker’s new book, Grow­ing Up Goril­la! GROWING UP GORILLA by Clare Hodg­son Meek­er Mill­brook Press/September 3, 2019 Grades 3–6, 48 pages Here’s what the pub­lish­er says about Grow­ing Up Goril­la: This heart­warm­ing true sto­ry chron­i­cles what hap­pened after a moth­er goril­la gave birth for the first time and

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Emmanuel’s Dream wins CA Young Reader Medal!

A few weeks ago I was hon­ored to trav­el to Pasade­na, CA, to the Cal­i­for­nia Library Asso­ci­a­tion con­fer­ence to receive the Cal­i­for­nia Young Read­er Medal for Emmanuel’s Dream. This is a very spe­cial award because the win­ning book in each cat­e­go­ry is cho­sen by the kids them­selves. First, the award tea itself. There were teas and sand­wich­es and all kinds

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Animated GIF of TTL Forces of Nature cover

Happy book birthday to Forces of Nature!

TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE: FORCES OF NATURE, the third book in the series, is final­ly here! So, what’s this one about? Here’s an overview: Crazy-but-true sto­ries make this acclaimed non­fic­tion series per­fect for fans of curiosi­ties and wonders—and any­one look­ing to explore ways to sep­a­rate fact from fic­tion. Did you know stud­ies have shown that too many fid­get spinners

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What I’ve Been Up To This Month

The month isn’t even over yet, but so much has been packed into the last few weeks it feels more like two months already! That’s not exact­ly an excuse for neglect­ing the blog, but, you know, life hap­pens. Any­way… Beach­side Non­fic­tion Work­shop I start­ed out the month at the Beach­side Non­fic­tion Work­shop with Can­dace Flem­ing & Jen­nifer Swan­son. It was amazing!

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Two Truths and a Lie: Histories and Mysteries cover

Happy National Trivia Day!

It may itself be a lit­­tle-known fact, but Jan­u­ary 4th is Nation­al Triv­ia Day! To cel­e­brate, I thought I’d post some triv­ia tid­bits from Two Truths and a Lie: His­to­ries and Mys­ter­ies. Remem­ber, ONE of the claims in each set of three below fol­low­ing is false. Can you fig­ure out which one in each trio is the fake triv­i­um? (Did

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Happy holidays (and a gift idea)!

Are you buy­ing any of my books to give as a gift this hol­i­day sea­son? If so, thank you! I’d be thrilled to send you a signed book­plate and some book swag for you to include with your gift. Just send an email to with the details (which book, to whom it should be per­son­al­ized, and what mail­ing address you’d like

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Zoo Scientists cover

Review: Three Stars in the Night Sky

THREE STARS IN THE NIGHT SKY by Fern Schumer Chap­man Gussie Rose Press/June 6, 2018 Grades 5–8, 56 pages Here’s what the pub­lish­er says: At the age of 12, Ger­da Katz fled Nazi Ger­many and came to Amer­i­ca all by her­self. Decades before the label gained recog­ni­tion, she became what’s now known as an “unac­com­pa­nied minor.” Gerda’s sto­ry of fam­i­ly sep­a­ra­tion reflects the dislocating

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Facts First! Nonfiction Monday

Review: Votes for Women!

Votes for Women! Amer­i­can Suf­frag­ists and the Bat­tle for the Bal­lot by Winifred Con­kling Algo­nquin Young Read­ers, Feb­ru­ary 13, 2018 Grades 8–12, 320 pages Here’s what the pub­lish­er says about Votes for Women!: For near­ly 150 years, Amer­i­can women did not have the right to vote. On August 18, 1920, they won that right, when the 19th Amend­ment to the Con­sti­tu­tion was ratified

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Facts First! Nonfiction Monday

Review: Capsized! by Patricia Sutton

Cap­sized! The For­got­ten Sto­ry of the SS East­land Dis­as­ter by Patri­cia Sut­ton Chica­go Review Press (July 1, 2018) Grades 5–8, 176 pages Here’s what the pub­lish­er says about Cap­sized!: A fas­ci­nat­ing his­tor­i­cal account of courage and tragedy on the Chica­go Riv­er On July 24, 1915, the SS East­land, filled to capac­i­ty with 2,500 pas­sen­gers and crew, cap­sized in the Chica­go Riv­er while still moored

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