I’m thrilled to be hosting STEM Friday today! If you reviewed a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) book for kids on your blog today, please leave your link in the comments or on Twitter (@lauriethompson), and I will add you to the round-up throughout the day. Thanks!

by Sara L. Latta.
Next week’s STEM Friday host will be Roberta Gibson at Wrapped in Foil.
5 thoughts on “STEM Friday roundup is here!”
Hi Laurie! Thank you for hosting this week. I will take heed of your son’s recommendation and look for In Search of Sasquatch. At NC Teacher Stuff, I have a review of a soon to be released poetry book about leaves, A Leaf Can Be… :
I have Gases, a book that combines reading with science facts and investigation techniques. I’m the author.
Good morning (Yes, it is still morning here.)
Loved your review of “In Search of Sasquatch,” it sounds fascinating.
I have “You Just Can’t Help It! Your Guide to the Wild and Wacky World of Human Behavior” by Jeff Szpirglas http://blog.wrappedinfoil.com/2012/01/you-just-cant-help-it-your-guide-to-the-wild-and-wacky-world-of-human-behavior/
Thanks for hosting STEM Friday.
Thanks for hosting today! I’m in with Bones: Dead People Do Tell Tales
by Sara L. Latta http://wp.me/pa8jB-1kH
Thanks so much for including my book, Star of the Sea: A Day in the Life of a Starfish. Happy Reading to all!