Soccer, Walk to End Alzheimer’s, and TEDxRedmond 2011

soccer image Tomor­row is a big day. First, my son will be hav­ing his first soc­cer game of the sea­son with his brand new team. Go Eagles!
At the same time, I’ll be walk­ing with my daugh­ter in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. (If you’re so inclined, there’s still time to sup­port me here!) We’re hon­ored and excit­ed to be a part of Team Teri Atte­ber­ry and look­ing for­ward to an inspi­ra­tional morn­ing in the late sum­mer sun.
TEDxRedmond logo Then, we’re rush­ing back across the water to go to TEDxRed­mond all after­noon. I love lis­ten­ing to the real TED talks on But imag­ine my sur­prise and delight when I learned about TEDxRedmond–a TEDx event orga­nized by youth, for youth–right in my back­yard! How had I not heard about this before? I don’t know, but I can’t wait to attend this year.

From their web page:

After speak­ing at the annu­al TED con­fer­ence in Long Beach, CA, in 2010, 12-year-old teacher, speak­er, and author Ado­ra Svi­tak want­ed to bring a TED-like expe­ri­ence home to Red­mond, WA.

And she’s done it! I’m thrilled to be one of the sup­port­ers of this year’s TEDxRed­mond, and I’m look­ing for­ward to meet­ing this young dynamo. Check out her TED speech:

Here’s a list of all the speak­ers join­ing Ado­ra at TEDxRed­mond 2011. I can’t wait to hear what these young peo­ple have to say!

Final­ly, the whole fam­i­ly is meet­ing up with friends, includ­ing one vis­it­ing from afar for the first time in years, for din­ner. It’s hard to imag­ine a fuller, or more reward­ing, day. I just hope I have some ener­gy left to tell you about it afterwards!

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