New deal announcement: My Dog Is the Best!

There’s anoth­er excit­ing book deal to announce…
This went out in Sat­ur­day’s Pub­lish­er’s Mar­ket­place mail:

Lau­rie Thomp­son’s MY DOG IS THE BEST, in whim­si­cal praise of a boy’s best friend, with all of his fine canine attrib­ut­es, to be illus­trat­ed by Paul Schmid, to Janine O’Mal­ley at Far­rar, Straus Chil­dren’s, by Ammi-Joan Paque­tte atErin Mur­phy Lit­er­ary Agency for the author and Steven Malk at Writ­ers House for the illus­tra­tor (World).

and this went up on the Erin Mur­phy Lit­er­ary Agen­cy’s news page this morning:

Yes, she’s a busy and mul­ti-tal­ent­ed lady, that Lau­rie Thomp­son! Her first book was acquired last sum­mer by Schwartz & Wade, a pic­ture book biog­ra­phy of Emmanuel Ofo­su Yeboah, which is being illus­trat­ed by Sean Qualls. Then just a few months ago saw a sec­ond deal for a teen hand­book of social entre­pre­neur­ship, which is due out from Beyond Words/Simon Pulse in Fall 2014, and which Lau­rie is busi­ly writ­ing and research­ing as we speak.
But that’s not at all! This week I am thrilled to announce a brand new deal, for Lau­rie Thomp­son’s adorable pic­ture book MY DOG IS THE BEST: a lit­tle boy’s effu­sive praise of his best friend and all the amaz­ing feats that dog can do (while sleep­ing on the couch). It’s sweet and warm and guar­an­teed to make you smile. Even bet­ter, an illus­tra­tor has already been attached to the project, the tal­ent­ed Paul Schmid!
MY DOG IS THE BEST was acquired by Janine O’Mal­ley at FSG, and it’s going to make a giant pic­ture book splash for sure. Huge con­grat­u­la­tions, Laurie!


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