Book launch for Kim Baker’s PICKLE!

Every book launch par­ty I’ve ever been to has been a ton of fun. If that’s not enough rea­son to go to as many as you can, how about just just sup­port­ing our local authors and illus­tra­tors? You want them to come out and sup­port you on your big day, don’t you? If you did­n’t make it to Kim Bak­er’s PICKLE launch par­ty at Secret Gar­den Books last week, here’s just a taste of what you missed:
There was food!

table full of food
Can you spot all of the pranks here?

There were friends!
crowded bookstore
How many faces of SCBWI do you rec­og­nize here?

There were prizes!
Kim holding prizes
I believe those are the bro­ken-glass stick­ers and the trick pen­cils. Lat­er, I won an explod­ing can of snakes!

There were books!
Kim even read a scene from PICKLE to us.
(I think I snort­ed out loud.)

There were even pickles!
Wait a minute, I don’t think those are real­ly pickles.

But don’t wor­ry, if you did­n’t make it to this book launch, there will be anoth­er one com­ing soon to a book­store near you. Make sure you get out there and see what all the fun is about! And if you still need to pick up a PICKLE, you can always click here:

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6 thoughts on “Book launch for Kim Baker’s PICKLE!”

  1. So sor­ry I could­n’t come down for the launch. 🙁
    Thanks for shar­ing the pho­tos, Lau­rie. Would you believe I’m actu­al­ly MOVING tomor­row? Dur­ing the long, long wait our plans changed and we’re mov­ing to Col­orado (woohoo–happier.)
    I’ll watch for all your good news here and in the Chi­nook. ^_^

  2. Thanks for post­ing this, Lau­rie, and con­grat­u­la­tions Kim! Sounds like the per­fect trib­ute. I did eat a pick­le in your hon­or, and I hope to get my copy auto­graphed by you soon. So hap­py for you, and though I tech­ni­cal­ly don’t have a stake in this book, I’m also very proud of you!


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