
WeeOnes — Extreme Treasue Hunting

Extreme Trea­sure Hunt­ing, which intro­duces kids to the fun of geo­caching, was the first arti­cle I wrote for chil­dren. It was accept­ed way back in April 2006, but final­ly made its appear­ance in the May/June 2007 online issue of Wee Ones Chil­dren’s Mag­a­zine for ages 4–10.

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FACES Magazine — Riders for Health article

FACES: Peo­ple, Places, and Cul­tures is a Cob­ble­stone Pub­li­ca­tion for kids ages 9–14. I pro­filed an orga­ni­za­tion called Rid­ers for Health for their March 2007 glob­al health issue. By using fair­ly sim­ple machines, Rid­ers for Health has solved a com­plex prob­lem. They use motor­cy­cles to deliv­er med­ical sup­plies and ser­vices to regions of Africa with lit­tle or no infra­struc­ture. Simply

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Put those kids to work

You cer­tain­ly can’t tell by look­ing, but our kids love to help clean the house. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this is one thing I’m sure they did­n’t learn by exam­ple. If I enjoyed it even half as much as they do, we could prob­a­bly do some­thing crazy like invite peo­ple over for din­ner once in awhile. Maybe some­day they’ll be able to do

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Unprecedented victory against measles

Here’s some encour­ag­ing news. The Measles Ini­tia­tive part­ner­ship recent­ly announced that world­wide measles deaths fell 60% from 1999 to 2005, from 873,000 down to 345,000 deaths per year. That’s 528,000 lives saved every year. “One of the clear­est mes­sages from this achieve­ment is that with the right strate­gies and a strong part­ner­ship of com­mit­ted gov­ern­ments and orga­ni­za­tions, you can rapid­ly reduce

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Get talking, America!

Doc­tors With­out Bor­ders recent­ly released a list of the 10 most under-report­ed human­i­tar­i­an crises of 2006, which they say “account­ed for just 7.2 min­utes of the 14,512 min­utes on the three major U.S. tele­vi­sion net­works’ night­ly news­casts for 2006.” Cen­tral African Repub­lic Tuber­cu­lo­sis Chech­nya Sri Lan­ka Mal­nu­tri­tion Demo­c­ra­t­ic Repub­lic of Con­go Soma­lia Colum­bia Haiti Cen­tral India

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KNOW Magazine — Spot the spots

Sci­en­tists at ECOCEAN are using pat­tern-recog­ni­­tion soft­ware devel­oped for NASA’s Hub­ble Space Tele­scope pro­gram to rec­og­nize indi­vid­ual whale sharks, which are cov­ered with small, white spots on a dark back­ground sim­i­lar to a star­ry night sky. I wrote a short news piece about it for the May/June 2007 issue of KNOW–The Sci­ence Mag­a­zine for Curi­ous Kids.

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Kids Making a Difference

This was a fun assign­ment — find out what local ele­men­tary schools and teach­ers are doing to teach phil­an­thropy and com­mu­ni­ty to their stu­dents. There were some great ideas, and the enthu­si­am behind the projects was tru­ly inspi­ra­tional! “Lit­tle kids can make a big dif­fer­ence,” Par­entMap, Decem­ber 2006

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Newborn screening tests

This short arti­cle, about new­born screen­ing tests, was the sec­ond half of BabyMap’s Deci­sion Digest col­umn for the Fall/Winter 2006 issue. “Pre­na­tal and new­born screen­ing tests,” BabyMap, Fall/Winter 2006

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Prenatal testing decisions

This short arti­cle, about the pros and cons of var­i­ous pre­na­tal tests, was the first half of BabyMap’s Deci­sion Digest col­umn for the Fall/Winter 2006 issue. “Pre­na­tal and new­born screen­ing tests,” BabyMap, Fall/Winter 2006

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