
Unite for Children. Unite against AIDS.

Unite for Chil­dren, Unite against AIDS is a glob­al Cam­paign to alert the world to the fact that chil­dren are miss­ing from the glob­al AIDS agen­da. It pro­vides a plat­form for urgent and sus­tained pro­grams, advo­ca­cy and fundrais­ing to lim­it the impact of HIV/AIDS on chil­dren and help halt the spread of the dis­ease. Pol­i­cy­mak­ers and the glob­al pub­lic must

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Keeping love alive after baby arrives

Here’s one where I have some hands-on expe­ri­ence — main­tain­ing a healthy mar­riage after kids join the fam­i­ly. My extra­or­di­nary hus­band and I will cel­e­brate our 10th anniver­sary this year. We make time to care for each oth­er and our rela­tion­ship, as well as for our two young chil­dren. “Keep­ing love alive after baby arrives”, Par­entMap, Sep­tem­ber 2005, pages 13–14

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Book Review — Swimming with Maya

I picked up this book because the pic­ture on the cov­er looks like my own daugh­ter. When I read the back notes and learned that she was dead, I quick­ly put it back down. I didn’t want to read about Eleanor Vincent’s dev­as­tat­ing loss. For some rea­son, though, I felt com­pelled to try to com­pre­hend her expe­ri­ence. What I found

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Jogging? Ugh.

I love hik­ing, but my bike has been parked for years and jog­ging has nev­er been my thing. To look at me is to clear­ly see that I am not a great author­i­ty on fit­ness. Nev­er­the­less, I accept­ed an assign­ment for an arti­cle on exer­cis­ing out­doors with a child under two. Yes, I actu­al­ly got out the sneak­ers and went

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A little stretch

All of the arti­cles I’ve writ­ten before this one have been on top­ics that I already knew some­thing about or have had some first­hand expe­ri­ence with. Not this one! It was real­ly fun to do, though. Most of the research came from inter­views, so at first I was a lit­tle ner­vous. Every­body I talked to was so help­ful and inspiring,

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Tiny article, but extremely important

Here is a very short arti­cle about a top­ic I am quite pas­sion­ate about, umbil­i­cal cord blood. Sev­er­al major hos­pi­tals in our area have teamed with the blood bank to col­lect and store the stem-cell rich cord blood and donate it to indi­vid­u­als in need through a nation­al reg­istry. Now some­thing that is typ­i­cal­ly dis­card­ed can instead save lives —

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A little flattery

It’s always nice to receive com­pli­ments on your work. After doing the arti­cle and school pro­files for Judy’s Book Greater Seat­tle, Liesel Pol­lvogt wrote: Thanks Laurie–you did an *awe­some* job on these. I was impressed with your quick turn-around, qual­i­ty of writ­ing, and how you instant­ly “got” what this was all about and were able to get start­ed with­out a bunch

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School profiles

In March, I worked on writ­ing sum­maries for sev­er­al schools based on sur­vey data obtained from par­ents by Judy’s Book Greater Seat­tle, includ­ing: 65th Street Coop­er­a­tive Preschool The Clear­wa­ter School Epiphany School French Amer­i­can School of Puget Sound Hill­top Ele­men­tary School The Nova Project Pike Mar­ket Child Care and Preschool The Ever­green School West­side School I also wrote an arti­cle for

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Early language delays can hamper learning

This arti­cle is about diag­nos­ing and treat­ing lan­guage delays before chil­dren enter school in order to pre­vent learn­ing dif­fi­cul­ties lat­er. My daugh­ter, as well as the chil­dren of sev­er­al of my friends, are for­tu­nate to have received speech ther­a­py as preschool­ers. “Ear­ly lan­guage delays can ham­per learn­ing”, Par­entMap, Novem­ber 2004, page 13

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Hike and seek with geocaching

My first pub­lished arti­cle is about tak­ing kids geo­caching — a grow­ing sport where hand­held GPS sys­tems are used to locate hid­den “trea­sure”. Although we don’t go often enough, my fam­i­ly real­ly enjoys hik­ing, and geo­caching adds a nice twist to help keep the lit­tle ones moti­vat­ed. The Pacif­ic North­west is a par­tic­u­lar­ly great place for geo­caching, but you can

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