Emmanuel prepares for another ride in Ghana!

Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah
ModernGhana.com reports “Para Cyclist Emmanuel Ofo­su Yeboah To Ride For Peace­ful Elec­tions In Ghana.”
Emmanuel is prepar­ing once again to cir­cle Ghana, as he did in Emmanuel’s Dream, but this time it will be a peace tour to pro­mote a peace­ful gen­er­al elec­tion. At a press con­fer­ence, he point­ed out that dis­abled peo­ple are among soci­ety’s most vul­ner­a­ble, along with chil­dren and the elder­ly, and they often have no place to go if war erupts.
The Ghana­ian elec­tion is set to take place on Decem­ber 7, 2016, so Emmanuel’s “Rid­ing For Peace 2016” event will start on Novem­ber 7, 2016, in Accra, the cap­i­tal of Ghana. He’ll ride with ten oth­er para cyclists on a route to Cape Coast and Tako­ra­di, up through Ashan­ti and the north­ern region, down through Vol­ta, and final­ly to Emmanuel’s home­town, Koforid­ua, where he will cast his own vote. By the time they are fin­ished, they will have biked to pro­mote peace through 240 dis­tricts in one month. Rid­ing for Peace 2016 is ask­ing for sup­port from com­pa­nies, orga­ni­za­tions, and all who want peace for Ghana.
Good luck, Emmanuel!

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