Hot topic — bed sharing

I enjoy doing these Deci­sion Digest columns for BabyMap because I get to explore both sides of a con­tro­ver­sial top­ic and then try to present an unbi­ased sum­ma­ry of all the pros and cons. So many of the ques­tions we encounter as par­ents don’t have a “right” answer. We gath­er all the (often con­flict­ing) infor­ma­tion we can, and then we have to just make the deci­sion that feels like the best fit for us. I hope this arti­cle will help par­ents feel good about their choice and their rea­sons for mak­ing it, what­ev­er they decide.

Should you share a bed with your baby?”, BabyMap, Spring/Summer 2006

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