
Review: Fred Korematsu Speaks Up

Yes­ter­day, Jan­u­ary 30th, was Fred Kore­mat­su Day of Civ­il Lib­er­ties and the Con­sti­tu­tion. I did­n’t know much about Fred Kore­mat­su’s sto­ry before read­ing this brand new book, Fred Kore­mat­su Speaks Up, writ­ten by Lau­ra Atkins and Stan Yogi, and illus­trat­ed by Yuta­ka Houlette. I’m so thank­ful, now, that I do. Hey­day Books Mid­dle-grade Hard­cov­er, 112 pages ISBN: 978–159714–368–4 Price: $18.00 The book

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MLK Quote

In honor of MLK Day

In hon­or of Mar­tin Luther King Jr. Day, here is one of my favorite quotes of his: Please com­mu­ni­cate. Talk and lis­ten. Read and write. Think and feel. Which leads us to anoth­er great MLK quote: Nev­er stop learn­ing, folks.

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FREE author visits!

Did you know I am cur­rent­ly offer­ing free 10-minute vir­tu­al Q&A ses­sion via Skype, Google Hang­outs, Face­Time, etc. to any­one who is using one of my books in a class­room, library, or youth group? To book an online vis­it today, please vis­it Longer vir­tu­al pre­sen­ta­tions are also avail­able, at a rate of $150 for up to an hour. For

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Celebrate Inclusive Schools Week!

Schools across the coun­try are observ­ing Inclu­sive Schools Week this week. Accord­ing to the Inclu­sive Schools Net­work: Inclu­sive Schools Week is an annu­al event spon­sored by the Inclu­sive Schools Net­work (ISN) and Stet­son & Asso­ciates, Inc., which is held each year dur­ing the first full week in Decem­ber. Since its incep­tion in 2001, Inclu­sive Schools Week has cel­e­brat­ed the progress that schools

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Be a Changemaker update: StudentRND

I thought some of you might be inter­est­ed in read­ing an update from one of the co-founders of Stu­den­tRND, which was one of the orga­ni­za­tions pro­filed in Be a Change­mak­er: How to Start Some­thing that Mat­ters. Stu­den­tRND is now the force behind Code­Day, which is “a nation­wide event where stu­dent pro­gram­mers, artists, musi­cians, actors, and every­one else can get together

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Books can open doors to inclusivity

Many of us who write books for chil­dren, rec­om­mend books for chil­dren, and teach chil­dren to read books have been won­der­ing late­ly what more we can do to move the world for­ward to have more inclu­siv­i­ty, com­pas­sion, and empa­thy. We’ve been won­der­ing if our efforts real­ly make a dif­fer­ence. We may have been tempt­ed to pull back, to retreat, to

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Starbucks Upstander photo

Check out the Starbucks Upstanders series

Have you seen the new orig­i­nal series that Star­bucks is putting out, called Upstanders? It’s real­ly cool! Accord­ing to their web­page: Upstanders is an orig­i­nal col­lec­tion of short sto­ries, films and pod­casts shar­ing the expe­ri­ences of Upstanders – ordi­nary peo­ple doing extra­or­di­nary things to cre­ate pos­i­tive change in their com­mu­ni­ties. Pro­duced by Howard Schultz and Rajiv Chan­drasekaran, the Upstanders series

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Two Truths and a Lie cover


Squee!! In case you missed it yes­ter­day, Mia Wen­jen over at the awe­some book blog Prag­mat­ic Mom host­ed my next book, Two Truths and a Lie: It’s Alive!, for a cov­er reveal AND a sneak peek at some of what’s inside! Here’s a tiny look at the cov­er… But, be sure to check out her whole fun post for a big­ger ver­sion, plus an exclu­sive sneak

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Interview: Luke Reynolds on SURVIVING MIDDLE SCHOOL

A cou­ple of weeks ago I reviewed SURVIVING MIDDLE SCHOOL by Luke Reynolds. As you may recall, I LOVED it! Today, Luke was nice enough to let me inter­view him so I could get a few of my ques­tions answered (and let you get to know him a bit bet­ter, as well!). If you haven’t read my review yet, please

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Emmanuel’s Dream a WA State Book Award Finalist!

The Wash­ing­ton Cen­ter for the Book announced the Wash­ing­ton State Book Award final­ists for 2016, and I’m hon­ored to say that Emmanuel’s Dream is among the three final­ists for the Scan­di­uzzi Chil­dren’s Book Award in the Pic­ture Book cat­e­go­ry! The Wash­ing­ton Cen­ter for the Book at The Seat­tle Pub­lic Library announces the Wash­ing­ton State Book Awards final­ists in eight cat­e­gories for outstanding

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