And I want to be a paperback writer
Paperback writer!
(cue music by the Beatles)

I’ve technically already had one paperback release, since Be a Changemaker: How to Start Something that Matters came out in hardcover, paperback, and e‑book all at the same time. That doesn’t make it any less exciting that Two Truths and a Lie: It’s Alive!, which came out in hardcover last year, is now available in a paperback version!
Even better is that the paperback version is awesome, IMHO. Some of the things I love most about the hardcover of this book are the vivid colors of the photographs and graphics and the high-quality paper they are printed on, so I wondered how the paperback would measure up to that high bar. I needn’t have worried, because the paperback is every bit is beautiful and sturdy.
In fact, the only difference is that it’s significantly cheaper. And that is great news, because it means more kids will get a chance to own it! 🙂

You can purchase the brand-new paperback version from your local bookstore, or find information about ordering the new paperback version here.
In case you missed it, there’s a short interview with Ammi-Joan and me over at the Cybils blog, following our win in the Middle Grade Non-Fiction category. You can check that out here.
And, if you’re so inclined, you can now pre-order TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE: HISTORIES AND MYSTERIES, which will be available on June 26, 2018. You can get all of that information here.
Finally, just for fun, here’s our SCBWI Western Washington players, a.k.a. Band: Books, performing Picture Book Writer (our spinoff version of the Beatles’ song above), last May 10, 2017, featuring Vikram Madan and Mike Cressy on guitar; Janet Lee Carey, Katherine Grace Bond, and Karen Lewis on vocals; Dana Sullivan on drums; Dori Hillestad Butler on keyboard; myself on bass (lower right-hand corner); and Dan Richards as producer, stage manager, and roadie. Many thanks to Vikram Madan for capturing us on video!