With the holidays right before, I must admit that the launch party day sort of snuck up on me. I was rushing to get everything ready, had to give up on some things that I wanted to do, and didn’t have as much time as I would’ve liked to prepare. Still, I think a great time was had by all. I know I enjoyed every minute!

Many thanks to Emmanuel for inspiring me; to Sean Qualls for his beautiful artwork; to my family for supporting me all this time; to my critique group for helping the manuscript rise above the slush (especially Dana Sullivan, for taking these great pictures for me!); to my agent, Ammi-Joan Paquette, for not giving up; to the University Book Store in Bellevue and their event planner, Olivia Ahl, for throwing such a wonderful party; and to all the friends, writers, teachers, parents, neighbors, and community members who took the time to come out and cheer me–and the book–on last Tuesday night. You all ROCK, and I am one extremely lucky gal! xoxo