Two Truths and a Lie

written by Ammi-Joan Paquette and Laurie Ann Thompson
illustrated by Lisa K. Weber
Walden Pond Press, 2019
ISBN: 978–0062418838
208 pages, ages 8 and up
Other Books in this Series
Forces of Nature
Did you know studies have shown that too many fidget spinners spinning in the same direction can potentially have adverse effects on the earth’s magnetic field? Or that there’s a company that can turn your deceased loved one’s remains into a diamond? Or that the loudest sound in history was made by the eruption of a volcano in 1883, whose echoing blast circled the planet twice?
Welcome to Two Truths and a Lie: Forces of Nature! You’ve heard of the game: Every story in this book is strange and astounding, but one out of every three is an outright lie. Picking out the fakes isn’t as easy as you think, however. Some false stories are based on truth, and some of the true stories are just plain unbelievable! Don’t be fooled by the photos that accompany each story—it’s going to take all your smarts and some clever research to ferret out the truth.
From a man who gave himself an appendectomy to radio signals from other planets to eagles that have been trained to take out spy drones, the stories in this third installment in the Two Truths and a Lie series will amaze you! Just don’t believe everything you read….
- My #FunFactFriday video series
- My blog posts about this series