Press Kit

Lau­rie Ann Thomp­son, Pho­to A

Down­load­able photos

To down­load, first click the link to view a pho­to, then click on the share icon () and select download.

Short biog­ra­phy

A for­mer soft­ware engi­neer, Lau­rie Ann Thomp­son now writes for young peo­ple to help them under­stand the world we live in so they can help make it a bet­ter place for all. She strives to write non­fic­tion that encour­ages imag­i­na­tion and fic­tion that reflects uni­ver­sal truths. Learn more at

More detailed biography

A for­mer soft­ware engi­neer, Lau­rie Ann Thomp­son now writes for young peo­ple to help them under­stand the world we live in so they can help make it a bet­ter place for all. She strives to write non­fic­tion that encour­ages imag­i­na­tion and fic­tion that reflects uni­ver­sal truths, as seen in Emmanuel’s Dream, a pic­ture book biog­ra­phy of a man who changed his coun­try’s per­cep­tions of dis­abil­i­ty (win­ner of the ALA Schnei­der Fam­i­ly Book Award, an ALA Notable Book, a CCBC Choice, and a Bank Street Col­lege Best Book of the Year, among dozens of oth­er acco­lades); Eliz­a­beth War­ren’s Big, Bold Plans, a pic­ture book biog­ra­phy of the U.S. Sen­a­tor; Be a Change­mak­er, an inspir­ing how-to guide for teens who want to change the world; fic­tion pic­ture book My Dog Is The Best; and the Two Truths And A Lie series for mid­dle-grade read­ers (co-authored with Ammi-Joan Paque­tte). She lives near Seat­tle with her fam­i­ly and pets. Learn more at and on Twit­ter at @lauriethompson.

Lau­rie Ann Thomp­son, Pho­to B

Book cov­ers (down­load­able, full-sized, print quality) 

To down­load, first click the link to view a book, then click on the share icon () and select download.

Let the Light In book cover
9.25″ x 9.75″
10″ x 10″
You Are a Robin! book cover
10″ x 10″
You Are a Honey Bee! cover image
10″ x 10″
You Are a Raccoon! cover image
10″ x 10″
Emmanuel's Dream
9″ x 11″
Elizabeth Warren's Big Bold Plans
10″ x 10″ 
Two Truths and a Lie: Forces of Nature
7″ x 9″ 
Two Truths and a Lie: Histories and Mysteries
7″ x 9″
Two Truths and a Lie: It's Alive!
7″ x 9″
Be a Changemaker
5″ x 8″
My Dog is the Best
9″ x 9″

Social Media

Award high­lights

Notable appear­ances

  • Radio inter­views: T Love’s Ener­gy Awareness
  • Radio inter­view: Sis­ter Jen­na on Amer­i­ca Meditating
  • Radio inter­view: Brooke Tay­lor on A Spe­cial Con­nec­tion on WHKW AM1220 in Cleve­land, OH
  • Radio inter­view: Sun­ny Chayes on Sin­gin’ in the Rain
  • Pan­elist: “Keep­ing it Real­ly Weird,” YALSA’s YA Lit Sym­po­sium in Austin, TX
  • Pan­elist: “Are You A Change Mak­er?” Mar­tin Luther King Day pro­gram at the Wash­ing­ton State His­tor­i­cal Museum
  • Pan­elist: Seat­tle Read­ing Coun­cil author pre­view event
  • Mod­er­a­tor: “Change­mak­ers in Soci­ety: Books That Moti­vate Kids to Solve Prob­lems and Make the World a Bet­ter Place” pan­el at AASL in Colum­bus, OH
  • Mod­er­a­tor: “Non­fic­tion is the New Black, “SCBWI West­ern Wash­ing­ton in Seat­tle, WA
  • As well as numer­ous school vis­its (both in-per­son and online) and book­store events