Let the Light In

Let the Light In book cover
Let the Light In

writ­ten by Lau­rie Ann Thomp­son
illus­trat­ed by Adri­ana Pre­doi
Wor­thyKids, Hachette Group
10 Sep­tem­ber 2024
32 pages, ages 4 and up

Help lit­tle ones move from sad­ness to brighter days with this hope­ful and encour­ag­ing look at a uni­ver­sal emotion.

It’s nor­mal to feel sad, but for kids, sad­ness can often feel over­whelm­ing and con­fus­ing. Let the Light In meets chil­dren in their moment of sad­ness and offers empa­thet­ic ideas on how to nav­i­gate it. Con­crete and sim­ple ideas include cre­ative expres­sion, going for a walk, pay­ing atten­tion to the world around them, and vis­it­ing a friend. Lit­tle ones will be left with the uplift­ing mes­sage that, whether it hap­pens in big ways or small, all at once or over time, sad­ness will even­tu­al­ly fade, and bet­ter days will come.


The hardcover of Let the Light In is available for pre-order at your favorite independent bookseller, your public library, or these online retailers:

Let the Light In book cover