You Are a Honey Bee!

You Are a Honey Bee!
You Are a Hon­ey Bee!

writ­ten by Lau­rie Ann Thomp­son
illus­trat­ed by Jay Fleck
Dial Books, April 2023
ISBN: 978–0593529690
32 pages, ages 2 to 5

Other Books in this Series:

The first in an adorable, STEM non­fic­tion pic­ture book series that encour­ages very young read­ers to learn—through gen­tle inter­ac­tiv­i­ty and play—about the ani­mals who share their world.

Swish, swoosh, fly! You might have heard the words “busy as a bee,” but what do bees actu­al­ly do each day? Did you know bees clean their rooms, help feed baby bees, and build the hive they live in? From birth to first flight and beyond, dis­cov­er all that goes into being a bee in this charm­ing pic­ture book, the first in the Meet Your World series.

This play­ful and infor­ma­tive series invites you to take a clos­er look at the amaz­ing ani­mals that live right along­side you in rur­al, sub­ur­ban, and urban land­scapes across North Amer­i­ca. In each book, words and art inspire you to act out ani­mal actions that are not so dif­fer­ent from your own habits. And robust back­mat­ter offers even more facts and fun. From the ani­mals’ fam­i­lies and foods to their envi­ron­ments and behav­iors, let’s meet your world!

Slo­vak edi­tion avail­able. Licensed by the Dol­ly Par­ton Imag­i­na­tion Library for dis­tri­b­u­tion in Group 6/April 2024.




“VERDICT: A very use­ful work for envi­ron­men­tal sci­ence and ani­mal stud­ies in the class­room and for indi­vid­ual read­ing. The hard­work­ing life of a hon­ey bee is shown through a live­ly text and col­or­ful illus­tra­tions which offer sig­nif­i­cant infor­ma­tion.” (School Library Jour­nal)

“Young read­ers are encour­aged to emu­late a hon­ey bee’s actions as they learn about its basic biol­o­gy.… Set­ting key verbs in all-caps, the chirpy text uses the sec­ond per­son, fur­ther encour­ag­ing read­ers to relate to the insect pro­tag­o­nist: “You STOP on a flower. You unroll your long tongue and DRINK up the sweet nectar…SLURP!” (Kirkus)

Imag­i­na­tion Soup: New Non­fic­tion Books, April and May 2023

Read­ing Is My Super­pow­er: Book Review of You Are a Hon­ey Bee!

YA and Kids’ Books Cen­tral: Book Review of You Are a Hon­ey Bee!


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You Are a Honey Bee!


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You Are a Honey Bee!


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You Are a Honey Bee!


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You Are a Honey Bee!