Emmanuel on US National Amputee Soccer Team

Emmanuel Ofo­su Yeboah, the sub­ject of my upcom­ing pic­ture-book biog­ra­phy, EMMANUEL’S DREAM, is an ath­lete who was born in Ghana, West Africa, with a deformed leg. As a young man, he want­ed to change the way dis­abled peo­ple were treat­ed in Ghana, so he rode a bicy­cle near­ly 400 miles all around his coun­try to prove that being dis­abled does­n’t mean being unable. Since then, he has con­tin­ued to be an advo­cate for the rights of peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties and has launched his own foun­da­tion, with plans to build a school in Ghana for abled and dis­abled chil­dren alike. He now spends most of his time based in San Diego, CA, trav­el­ing the Unit­ed States as a moti­va­tion­al speak­er and rais­ing funds for his charity.
This spring, the Unit­ed States Nation­al Amputee Soc­cer Team invit­ed Emmanuel to play for them. He just returned to San Diego from a train­ing ses­sion in Mary­land, and he’ll join the team when they com­pete in the 10th Amputee World Cup in Mex­i­co in late November.
Good luck, Emmanuel, and to the rest of the play­ers on the US Nation­al Amputee Soc­cer Team!
Read more about Emmanuel and his World Cup Soc­cer expe­ri­ence here, includ­ing some great photos.

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