2011 CYBILS, Nonfiction Picture Books… and me!

I’m absolute­ly thrilled to announce that I’ve been select­ed to serve as a judge in the non­fic­tion pic­ture book (NFPB) cat­e­go­ry of the 2011 CYBILS (Chil­dren’s and Young Adult Blog­ger’s Lit­er­ary Awards)!
I write non­fic­tion pic­ture books, so I read a lot of non­fic­tion pic­ture books. Now, I get to help rec­og­nize the best of the best. Nom­i­na­tions have opened, titles are rolling in, and I’ve already start­ed read­ing. You can see what has been nom­i­nat­ed here, and you can add your own nom­i­na­tion here. I’m not sure I’ll get much writ­ing done in Octo­ber, but it will be an epic month of great read­ing, I’m sure! Stay tuned for reviews of nom­i­nat­ed titles.

2 thoughts on “2011 CYBILS, Nonfiction Picture Books… and me!”

  1. Ooh, enjoy! I was on the last-round pan­el for the same Cybils cat­e­go­ry a cou­ple years ago, and it was lots of fun. Great books and great dis­cus­sions about them. Go NF!

    • Thanks, Lisa! First round is a LOT of read­ing, but thank good­ness it’s a pic­ture book cat­e­go­ry at least. I’m already look­ing over the list of nom­i­na­tions and won­der­ing how on Earth we’re going to choose. There are so many good books there, and nom­i­na­tions have only been open for a few days!


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