Tiny article, but extremely important

Here is a very short arti­cle about a top­ic I am quite pas­sion­ate about, umbil­i­cal cord blood. Sev­er­al major hos­pi­tals in our area have teamed with the blood bank to col­lect and store the stem-cell rich cord blood and donate it to indi­vid­u­als in need through a nation­al reg­istry. Now some­thing that is typ­i­cal­ly dis­card­ed can instead save lives — magnificent.

“Donate cord blood and save a life”, BabyMap, Spring/Summer 2005, page 4

[Note: Because this ran in the Post­ings sec­tion, it was not archived on the Par­entMap web site, so there is no link to an online ver­sion. Sorry!]

3 thoughts on “Tiny article, but extremely important”

  1. What about let­ting it go into the baby? I’ve read that babies thrive bet­ter if they receive the cord blood.

    Marj Watkins

  2. You’re absolute­ly right. Doc­tors should­n’t clamp the cord until it stops puls­ing, so that the baby gets as much as it can. This is true whether the cord blood is being col­lect­ed or not. After the cord is clamped, there is usu­al­ly plen­ty of blood left over for banking.

  3. Hi Lau­rie,

    After you replied to me from a yahoo group we have in com­mon, I vis­it­ed your site. I found this arti­cle help­ful to me in the sense that one day, my daugh­ter Bre­an­na, whom is par­a­lyzed from an MVA, will like­ly more than not, ben­e­fit from these stem cells. Her spinal cord injury was devis­tat­ing, and yet there’s so much con­tro­ver­sy on the top­ic of stem cell cloning. Great arti­cle, aware­ness is key. 🙂

    Tama­ra M. Regan
    Author — Bre­an­na’s Sto­ry


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